Environmental Management Program

Program News


The Environmental Management program (EMP) was launched to support the Central Asian initiative (CAI) – a regional effort by five Central Asian countries to get ready for the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg in 2002. 

The EMP’s purpose is to advance and showcase best approaches to sustainable management of natural resources; support national strategies, regional initiatives and dialogue between state and non-governmental organizations in the field of environmental management; and assist Central Asian countries in the fulfillment of their obligations within the framework of multilateral environmental agreements.

As a continuation of initial process, the Program has been promoting the Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS) aimed to enhance the quality and comparability of environmental indicators and state of the environment reporting in CA countries. The program is also helping the country to fulfill the obligations under the Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs). In addition, it promotes initiatives and instruments:  payment for ecosystem services, ecosystem evaluation methods and natural capital accounting in order to preserve natural resources in the region.

International organizations such as European Comission, European Union, FOEN, ICARDA, UNDP, UNEP, USAID, GIZ mainly supports the projects conducted by the Program.

For more information follow the link.


Key Publications



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