Mainstreaming ecosystem services into sectoral and macroeconomic policies and programmes in the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2015

Around the globe, the understanding is growing that implementation of effective environmental policies guaranteeing rational use of natural resources is impossible without valuation of ecosystems. Particularly, valuation of ecosystems and their components is important for introducing “green economy” principles, within the framework of which valuation of nature capital is the basis of understanding the value of natural resources under direct and indirect use.  Ecosystems supply a wide range of services essential for our prosperity. They  support economic and social development as well as the overall wellbeing of communities. 

The demand of the humankind in fresh water, land, natural resources and other key ecosystem services (ES) is constantly growing. However, its level often exceeds ES availability leading to ecosystems’ over-exploitation and reduction of their productivity. Despite this worrying context, supply of ecosystem services is often perceived as permanent and intangible, and their value is often underestimated and rarely integrated into decision-making. 



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