Bonn , Germany – On June 19-20, Executive Director of the Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia (CAREC) Zafar Makhmudov and the Environmental Management Programme’s (EMP) Manager Ludmila Kiktenko participated in the Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme’s final conference “Nexus Dialogue | Breaking the Silos for a Sustainable Tomorrow”, which was organized by the Global Nexus Secretariat with financial support of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany (BMZ) and the European Union.
The main objective of the event was to offer a technical exchange at a global level of the achievements, successes, challenges and lessons on the implementation the “water-energy-food” (WEF) Nexus approach and present the work of experts and partners.
During the conference, Zafar Makhmudov spoke about the region’s recognition of the linkages between water, energy, food and ecosystems. He emphasized the Central Asian countries’ actions at the national and regional levels on applying the WEF Nexus approach in order to resolve environmental issues.
“The readiness of any region of the world and the Central Asian region for the systematic application of the Nexus approach is based on the readiness of each of its constituent countries. In Central Asia, there are many elements of the Nexus approach at the highest level. Recognition of the sectoral interdependence is reflected in national strategic documents. It is important to start the next steps to include the Nexus approach in the competence of relevant national authorities and in the processes of preparation and financing of major investment projects,” – said Zafar Makhmudov, Executive Director of CAREC.
Ludmila Kiktenko presented the key results of the “Nexus Dialogue in Central Asia” project, in particular, the results of a transboundary demonstration project on the siltation of the Tuyamuyun hydroelectric complex (Uzbekistan-Turkmenistan) from the perspective of economic benefits, as well as the main achievements in institutionalizing of the WEF Nexus approach in region’s educational institutions.
“The transboundary Nexus project at the Tuyamuyun hydroelectric complex offers a completely unusual approach for Central Asia and creates new opportunities for the state and entrepreneurs. The sediment removal at the reservoir can become an activity for extraction of a resource necessary for production of various types of commercial products," – noted Ludmila Kiktenko, EMP’s Manager, CAREC.
CAREC implements the “Nexus Dialogue in Central Asia” project in partnership with the Global Nexus Secretariat with the financial support of the European Union. The project’s duration: June 2020 – June 2023; total budget: EUR 1.25 million, including the EU’s contribution of EUR 1 million.
Additional information:
Ludmila Kiktenko
EMP’s Manager
Email: lkiktenko@carececo.org