Central Asia Climate Change Conference (CACCC 2023)

Central Asia Climate Change Conference (CACCC 2023)

When: Dushanbe city, Tajikistan

When: May 16-17, 2023

CACCC-2023 Concept&Agenda with links DOWNLOAD

Logistics note (download)

Download CACCC-2023 photo 

Zoom video recording - Day 1  Zoom video recording - Day 2

Newsletter "CACCC-2023: Only the most important"

The 5th Central Asia Climate Change Conference (CACCC-2023) is scheduled for May 16-17, 2023 in Dushanbe, Tajikistan.

The 5th CACCC-2023 will bring together all stakeholders to discuss climate mitigation and adaptation actions, relevant initiatives to achieve cross-sectoral climate resilience. It is expected that participants of the 5th CACCC will learn about the progress and institutional arrangements for implementation of NDCs by the Central Asian countries, governance and financial arrangements for implementation of sector-specific strategies at the national and local scales, and available platforms for regional climate cooperation. The Conference participants will also learn about the outcomes of participation of the Central Asian countries at the UNFCCC COP27 and plans with regional and national preparations for COP28 in Dubai, OAE. The conference will serve as the platform for a regional multi stakeholder dialogue on the challenges and opportunities of delivering national commitments under the Paris Agreement, support national governments and other stakeholders through coordinated preparations and participation at the COP28, as a as well as help build professional community of practice for knowledge exchange and collaborative implementation of climate initiatives and projects in the Central Asia. 

The Conference will be attended by authorized representatives of line ministries of the Central Asian countries. Active involvement and participation of business representatives, the expert community, international development partners, multilateral development banks, youth unions, non-governmental institutions, civil society organizations that carry out their activities in the field of climate change is expected. Most of the participants of the 5th CACCC will attend it offline. However, the event will also be streamed online with the opportunity for an active participation and interaction by online participants.

Target audience

Representatives of the ministries of economic development, environmental protection and ecology, water, agriculture, energy, hydrometeorological services, and other line ministries of the Central Asia countries will attend CACCC-2023. Involvement of international organizations, multilateral development banks, the expert community, youth leaders, scientific institutions, civil society organizations, water/energy utilities, and business representatives is also expected.

The event will be streamed online with the opportunity for an active participation and interaction by online participants. For your convenience, further below are local start times of the Conference for online connection:

    Participant’s location                                

   Start of the Forum (online)                          

  Almaty, Kazakhstan


  Ashgabat, Turkmenistan


  Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic


  Dushanbe, Tajikistan


  Tashkent, Uzbekistan


Participation format: hybrid

Registration of participants is obligatory, please use the following link

Working language: Russian, English. Simultaneous translation will be provided by the organizers.


for online participants of the 5th Central Asia Climate Change Conference (CACCC-2023)

The CACCC-2023 events will take place in multiple halls, each equipped with a separate online broadcast channel to enable virtual participation. To attend the sessions you are interested in, as per the CACCC-2023 Program, you must register for the relevant broadcast channel for each hall. Registration for Broadcast Channel 1 only needs to be done once, and the link received will be valid for online participation in all the sessions listed for the entire conference. For Broadcast Channel 2, upon registration, you will receive an individual code and Zoom link via email for each session you have registered for.

Day 1. May 16, 2023

09:00 - 12:30

Opening Session link (Channel 1)

Opening Plenary: Climate Change and Development in Central Asia link (Channel 1)

Panel Discussion 1: National policies, strategies and programs for climate mitigation and adaptation link (Channel 1)

14:00 – 16:00

Parallel Session A – Water and Energy Security, WEF Nexus and Youth engagement potential

● Parallel Session A.1: Water Security link (Channel 1)

● Parallel Session A.2. Energy Security link (Channel 2)

● Parallel Session A.3: WEF Nexus under Climate Change link (Channel 2)

● Parallel Session A.4: Youth Session: Connecting Policy, Activism and Science link (Channel 2)

16:30 – 18:00

Parallel Session B – Multi-sectoral Cooperation to address climate Impact

● Parallel Session B.1: Circular Economy link (Channel 1)

● Parallel Session B.2: Landscape Restoration for Climate Resilience in Central Asia link (Channel 2)

● Parallel Session B.3: WEF Nexus Next Steps link (Channel 2)

● Parallel Session B.4: Climate transparency, reporting and verification link (Channel 2)

Day 2. May 17, 2023

09:00 – 11:00

Panel Session 2: Leveraging regional collaboration in a changing global policy environment link (Channel 1)

11:30 – 13:00

Parallel Session C – Health and Resilience for Sustainable Development

Parallel Session C.1: Air pollution, health, and climate change link (Channel 1)

● Parallel Session C.2: Building Climate Resilience on local level link (Channel 2)

● Parallel Session C.3: Climate Change impacts on transboundary water resources from source to sea link (Channel 2)

14:30 – 17:00

Panel Session 3: Climate financing: needs and opportunities link (Channel 1)

Closing Plenary link (Channel 1)

The 5th Central Asia Climate Change Conference (CACCC-2023) is organized by the Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia (CAREC) under Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Program in the Aral Sea Basin AF (CAMP4ASB AF) and Central Asia Nexus Dialogue Project: Fostering Water, Energy and Food Security Nexus and Multi-Sector Investment (NEXUS) in cooperation with the Committee for Environmental Protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Central Asia Water & Energy Program (CAWEP), a partnership among the World Bank, the European Union, Switzerland and the United Kingdom, and is supported by PROGREEN.

CAREC implements CAMP4ASB AF jointly with EC IFAS under the financial support of the World Bank and the Green Climate Fund. 



Pre-Conference Events.

May 11-12, 2023.  Mass-media Training, On-line session

May 15, 2023. Mass-media Training.

May 15, 2023. Youth pre-conference Event

May 15, 2023. Meeting of the Regional Network of Climate NGOs in Central Asia on preparation for COP 28

May 16, 2023 (Tuesday)

Day 1: National climate change priorities and progress

                      08:30- 09:00           


Demonstration of videos CEP and IPCC

Organizational announcements


Opening Session

Venue: Regency Ballroom (G floor)

Moderator: Mr. Sino Tohirzoda, Head of NDC Secretariat, Committee for Environmental Protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan

● Ms. Tatiana Proskuryakova, Regional Director, World Bank

● H.E. Mr. Raimundas Karoblis, EU Ambassador to Tajikistan

● Dr. Hoesung Lee, IPCC Chair (TBC)

● Mr. Zafar Makhmudov, Executive Director CAREC

Demonstration of the CAWEP video


Opening Plenary: Climate Change and Development in Central Asia

Venue: Regency Ballroom (G floor)

Moderator: Mr. Sino Tohirzoda, Head of NDC Secretariat, Committee for Environmental Protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan 

Video Address: Juergen Voegele, Vice President, Sustainable Development, World Bank, 

Keynote Presentation: Climate and Development. Insights from Global Experience with CCDRs, Winston Yu, Water Practice Manager for the Europe and Central Asia Region, World Bank

● Mr. Abdulkodyr Mavlodod, Deputy Chairman, Committee for Environmental Protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan

● Mr. Begmagambetov Dosbol Botashevich, Vice-Minister of Ecology & Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan (online)

● Dr. Azamat Temirkulov, Director, Climate Finance Center under Ministry of Natural Resources, Ecology and Technical Supervision of the Kyrgyz Republic (online)

● Mr Chetiyev Charyyar Purievich, Vice-Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan

● Mr Boriy Alikhanov, Chairman of the Committee on the Development of the Aral Sea Region and the Environment, Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan (online)

● Mr. Sorbon Kholmuhammadzoda, Deputy Minister of Energy and Water Resources of the Republic of Tajikistan

● Mr. Ahmadjon Akramov, Youth representative, winner of the Central Asian Young Leaders for the Environment Award


Coffee Break/Group Photo

10:45-12:30  Panel Session 1: National policies, strategies and programs for climate mitigation and adaptation

Venue: Regency Ballroom (G floor)

Moderator: Mr. Vladimir Grebnev, Regional Climate Change Specialist, CAREC

● Mr Shiranov Akzan Rashidovich, Director, Department of Environmental Policy and Sustainable Development, Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan

● Mr. Azamat Temirkulov, Director, Climate Finance Center under Ministry of Natural Resources, Ecology and Technical Supervision of the Kyrgyz Republic (online)

● Mr. Turakul Murodov Head of NDA Secretariat and National Coordination Group of CAMP4ASB Committee for Environmental Protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan

● Mr Chetiyev Charyyar Purievich, Vice-Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan

●  Mr. Karimov Ibratjon Alijonovich, First Deputy Director of the Hydrometeorological Service Agency under the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan
12:30-14:00  Lunch 


Parallel Session A – Water Security, Energy Security and WEF NexusNexus: Youth engagement potential

Venue: Regency Ballroom (G floor)

A.1: Water Security

Moderator: William Young, 

CAWEP Program Manager

● Harnessing Satellite Data to Improve

 Irrigation Performance

● Enhancing Cooperation for Shared 

Hydraulic Infrastructure

● Snowpack Monitoring & Snowmelt Forecasting

● Energy-Efficient Water Services

● Strengthening Groundwater Management

 in Central Asia

● The Water-Energy Nexus Issues 

in Central Asia

● Central Asia Knowledge Network

● Youth Inclusion in Water and Climate in Central Asia

Venue: Toronto Room (1nd floor)

A.2. Energy Security

Moderator: Jane Olga  Ebinger, 

Sector Leader, Sustainable Development, Central Asia, The World Bank                                                  

● Renewables &  decarbonization             

● Regional energy connectivity         

● Energy markets and trade


Venue: Brussels Room (1st floor)

A.3: WEF Nexus under Climate Change 

Moderator: Zafar Makhmudov, 

Executive Director CAREC

● WEF innovations

● Sedimentation process at the water facilities: 

opportunities for public- private partnership 

based on the demo Nexus project at Tyamuyun Hydroelectric Complex

● Reducing the energy intensity of the 

pumping stations based on Tajikistan Nexus 

demo project

● Involvement of the private sector’s investments 

to the afforestation of the dried bottom of Aral Sea

● Introduction of the Nexus approach in the 

educational curriculum

● WEF Nexus on regional level: IFAS role in WEF management

Venue: New York Room (1nd floor)

A.4: Youth Session: Connecting Policy,
Activism  and Science

Moderator: Larissa Kogutenko, DKU

●Engaging next-gen climate leaders
of Central Asia through science and research, 
business, and activism

●Exploring youth perspectives on addressing,
 mitigating and adapting to climate change

● Central Asian youth in action: opportunities,
 gaps and needs


Coffee Break


Parallel Session B – Multi-sectoral Cooperation to address climate Impact

Venue: Regency Ballroom (1st floor)

B.1: Circular Economy 

Moderator: Zafar Makhmudov, 

Executive Director CAREC

● Circular Economy in the context of changing climate and green transition

● Circular Economy Opportunities and barriers in Central Asian Countries

● Circular Economy in Central Asia - Private sector perspectives

Venue: New York Room (2nd floor)

  B.2: Landscape Restoration for Climate Resilience in Central Asia 

Moderator: Banu Setlur, Senior Environmental Specialist, World Bank

● Watershed environmental services

● Landscape restoration opportunities

● Regional transboundary ecosystems

● Nature-based solutions

● Climate Investment Assessment Instrument (CAMP4ASB)

Venue: Brussels Room (1st floor)

B.3: WEF Nexus Next Steps

Moderator: Ludmilla Kiktenko, Programme Manager, CAREC     B.3: WEF Nexus Next Steps

● EU Nexus mainstreaming plans

● CAWEP 4 new horizons

● USAID support in Nexus mainstreaming

● Nexus approach within “Green Central Asia”

● IKI Nexus project’s engagement to push forward the Nexus approach for a Climate Resilient Central Asia

● Institutionalization of the Nexus approach through the National Water Policy Dialogues in Central Asia

Venue: Toronto Room (2nd floor)

B.4: Climate transparency, reporting and verification

Moderator: Dilovarsho Dustzoda, Project Manager, ReCATH/CAREC

● Transparency in UNFCCC reporting

● Existing capacity building initiatives in the CA region

● Gaps and needs in transparency that remain to be addressed in the region


Conference Dinner


May 17, 2023 (Wednesday)

Day 2: Regional collaboration and climate financing for sustainable development


Panel Session 2: Leveraging regional collaboration in a changing global policy environment

Venue: Regency Ballroom (1st floor)

Moderator: Dr. Alexey Kokorin, Head of the Climate and Energy Program, WWF Central Asia

Video about CAMP4ASB project

Block 2.1: International support and potential for regional collaboration

Key presentations:

● IPCC Sixth Assessment cycle: Central Asia angle, Dr. Rupa Mukerji, Lead IPCC Author, Director of Advisory Services, HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation (online)

● International development support for regional climate initiatives:

- Thorsten Brezina, Cluster Coordinator in Central Asia, GIZ

- Evetta Zenina, Natural Resources Officer, FAO Sub-regional Office

- Oleg Bulanyi, Senior Programme Officer, Initiative for Climate Action Transparency ICAT

● CACIP as an information platform for more efficient regional knowledge exchange, Mr.Firuz Ibragimov, Senior M&E Specialist, CAREC

● Central Asian Regional Climate Network of civil society organizations (CA RCN), Dr. Svetlana Mogilyuk, CA RCN Coordinator


Block 2.2: Way from COP27 to COP28: lessons and opportunities for Central Asian Countries

Keynote presentations:

● Central Asia engagement in UNFCCC negotiation process, Mr. Zafar Makhmudov, Executive Director CAREC

● Way from COP27 to COP28: lessons and opportunities, Alexey Kokorin, WWF Central Asia Central Asian Regional Statement at the COP28

● Countries plans and visions for the Central Asian Regional Statement at the COP28

- Mr Shiranov Akzan Rashidovich, Director, Department of Environmental Policy and Sustainable Development, Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan

- Mr. Azamat Temirkulov, Director, Climate Finance Center under Ministry of Natural Resources, Ecology and Technical Supervision of the Kyrgyz Republic (online)

- Mr. Sattor Saidov, Head of Climate Change Centre and Ozone Layer, Agency for Hydrometeorology, Committee for Environmental Protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan

● Mr. Chetiyev Charyyar Purievich, Vice-Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan

● Mr. Karimov Ibratjon Alijonovich, First Deputy Director of the Hydrometeorological Service Agency under the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Open discussion


Coffee Break


Parallel Session C – Health and Resilience for Sustainable Development

Venue: Regency Ballroom (1st floor)

C.1: Air pollution, health, and climate change 

Moderator: Jane Ebinger, Sector Leader, World Bank

● Air Pollution, Health and Climate Change - from

 Co- Benefits to Coherent Policies

● Clean Air Initiatives in Central Asian Countries

● Air Quality Management Priorities Central Asia

● Regional Cooperation for Clean Air – Opportunities 

and Challenges in Central Asia

Venue: Brussels Room (1st floor) 

C.2: Building Climate Resilience on local level

Moderator: Mr. Vladimir Grebnev, Regional Climate Change Specialist, CAREC

● Climate Change Resilience in Ferghana Valley

● Climate investments under CAMP4ASB in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan

● Vulnerability assessment and adaptation planning on local level

● Climate Change adaptation on local communities: best practices and lessons learned

Venue: Toronto Room (2nd floor) 

C.3: Climate Change impacts on

transboundary water resources from source to sea

Moderator: Zafar Makhmudov,  Executive Director CAREC

● Cryosphere Observation and Modelling for improved Adaptation in Central Asia (CROMO-ADAPT)

● Introduction to the SAPPHIRE Project

● Weather, Water and Climate Services in Tajikistan and the Zerafshan basin

● The exchange of water quality data and capacity-building activities for the water quality experts



Simulation of WEF Nexus approach (Nexus Game)


Panel Session 3: Climate financing: needs and opportunities

Venue: Regency Ballroom (1st floor)

Moderator: Ms. Paola Agostini, World Bank

Keynote Presentation: “Innovative climate finance and opportunities for Central Asia”, Jane Olga Ebinger, Sector Leader, Sustainable Development, Central Asia, The World Bank

● Jamshed Sattorzoda, Head of the Unit on Investment Projects management, Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan

● Mr. Kai Kaiser, Senior Economist, World Bank

● Mr. Farukh Sultonov, Country Officer, IFC Tajikistan

● Mr. Ilgiz Kambarov, Executive Director, Green Alliance KG


● Ms. Shanny Campbell, Country Director, ADB

● Mr. Etienne Espagne, Senior Economist, World Bank

● Ms. Paola Ridolfi, Manager of Strategy and Operations, The Global Environment Facility Secretariat

● Ms. Lyudmila Kiktenko, Programme Manager, CAREC

● Mr. Iskandar Abdullaev, Deputy Director, CAREC Institute

● Mr. Anvar Nasritdinov, Principal, Climate Strategy, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (online)



Closing Plenary

Venue: Regency Ballroom (1st floor)

Moderator: Mr. Sino Tohirzoda, Head of NDC Secretariat, Committee for Environmental Protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan

● Ms. Jannat Rakhimova, representative of eco-youth from the Central Asia

● Dr. Svetlana Mogilyuk, Coordinator, Central Asian Regional Climate Network of civil society organizations

● Mr. William Lindberg, Deputy Head of the European Delegation to Tajikistan

● Mr. Ozan Sevimli, Country Manager for Tajikistan, World Bank

● Closing remarks and conclusions, Mr. Zafar Makhmudov, Executive Director CAREC

Closing conference

● Mr. Mavlodod Abdulkodyr, Deputy Chairman, Committee for Environmental Protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan


                                                                                                             Post-Conference Events                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         


 May 18-19, 2023. Regional Training Workshop on Improving Data Collection and Analytical Tools for Greenhouse
Gas Emissions Forecasting in Central Asian Countries


Date and place of birth: November 11, 1982, Republic of Tajikistan. 
Nationality: Tajik 

Country of citizenship: Republic of Tajikistan 

Country of current residence and work: Republic of Kazakhstan 
Position Name: Executive Director 

Organization: Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia (CAREC) 

Mr. Zafar Makhmudov is the Executive Director of the Regional Environmental 
Centre for Central Asia (CAREC).   

His main areas of professional expertise and activities are related to the mainstreaming climate change adaptation and mitigation into national development plans and strategies. Prior to joining CAREC, Mr.  Makhmudov served as the Head of the Project Implementation Unit at the Committee for Environment  Protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, where he coordinated projects on natural  resource management at all levels of their implementation, including project development, structuring,  negotiation, execution and monitoring. He negotiated the initiation of new projects, which are carried out in close cooperation with a number of international development partners, in close coordination with the donor community and concerted actions of the multilateral development banks by providing access to climate and environmental funds with the support of the National Coordinator. The portfolio of implemented projects included the PPCR project in Tajikistan “Environmental Land Management and Improving Livelihoods in Rural Areas” and the “Program for Adaptation to Climate Change and Mitigation of Its Consequences in the Aral Sea Basin”. 

Mr. Zafar Makhmudov also served as the Senior Advisor to the Chairman of the Committee on Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement of 2030. As a member of the Board of the Climate Investment Funds and Co-chair of the Pilot Program Committee for Climate Resilience, he  has advanced experience in managing and preparing National Adaptation Plans, a National Adaptation  Strategy for Climate Change, National Environmental Plan and extensive experience in conducting  negotiations under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and other  climate related funds.  

Tatiana Proskuryakova is the World Bank’s Regional Director for the Central Asia region that encompasses five countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan.

Prior to this appointment, she served as the Country Manager for Romania and Hungary during 2017-2021, Country Manager in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Montenegro based in Sarajevo since 2015, Country Manager in North Macedonia during 2013-14, and Country Operations Adviser for Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay during 2010-13.

Ms. Proskuryakova joined the World Bank in 1992 and throughout her career she has held various positions both in headquarters and in field offices, including in operations (in Europe and Central Asia Region and in Latin America and the Caribbean Region), portfolio management (in Latin America Department of Development Effectiveness), and corporate strategy (in Operational Policy and Country Services Vice Presidency). From 2003-2007, Ms. Proskuryakova was Senior Advisor representing the Russian Federation at the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors. Ms. Proskuryakova holds an M.Sc. in Economics/Political Economy from the Moscow State University, Russia, and an M. Phil. in Economics from the University of Oxford, UK


Speaker at parallel session A.3: WEF Nexus under Climate Change 

Serik Bekmaganbetov, is the Authorized Representative of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Executive Committee of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea with an office in Turkmenistan from 2017 till today. Since 2019, he has been a member of the EU Nexus Dialogue in Central Asia project.

Irina Bekmirzaeva have got two university degrees in Linguistics and Law and 25 years of progressive responsible professional experience, 20 years of which are in managerial positions for public and international organizations. She has many years working experience in the State Committee on Nature Protection of the Republic of Uzbekistan and UNDP Uzbekistan managing international projects on sustainable development, including issues of biodiversity conservation, climate change, land degradation and combat with desertification.  

In 2014, she gained recognition by one of the prestigious international Fund “Energy Globe” (Austrian business cycles, UNEP and UNESCO) National ENERGY GLOBE Award Uzbekistan 2014 Winner upon the successful implementation of the multi- disciplinary joint Project of the UNDP and Government of Uzbekistan aimed to improve livelihood and create income generating opportunities for low income households in disaster area of Aral Sea catastrophe (Aralkum and Kyzylkum Deserts).   

Since December 2016 she has hold a position of Environment and Health Program Manager at the Regional Environmental Center of Central Asia. The main areas include projects aimed to prevent and decrease the quantity of the diseases related to: water, sanitation and hygiene; climate change; air pollution; waste management.

Since November 2018 till present, she holds the position of Program Manager “Climate Change and Sustainable Energy” at CAREC and Manager for Regional Coordination Unit of the World Bank and EC IFAS Program on Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Program for the Aral Sea Basin (CAMP4ASB).

Speaker at the session “Regional collaboration and climate financing for sustainable development”

Mr. Torsten Brezina serves as the GIZ Cluster Coordinator for Regional Programmes in Central Asia since August 2017. In this position, he holds strategic responsibilities for the implementation of projects and programmes in the areas of climate change adaptation, natural resources management, disaster risk management, and political dialogue on climate and environment.

Since 2001 Mr. Brezina has been working in GIZ in various positions, including Country Director in Uzbekistan 2014-2017 and Head of Programmes in Central Asia, Russia, and Ukraine.

Mr. Brezina draws on more than two decades of professional experience in sustainable development and regional cooperation, strategy, and policymaking.                  With his experience in the fields, Mr. Brezina has built a broad vision of the climate-natural resources-land use- regional dialogue, of its stakeholders, of economic and strategic challenges on the path of sustainable economic development and stability. His assignments included operations in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.


Speaker at the Closing Ceremony 

Svetlana Mogilyuk is the Chairman of the national ecological network "Ecoforum of NGOs of the Republic of Kazakhstan". Coordinator of the Regional Climate Network of Civil Society Organizations of Central Asia, Member of the Public Council of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Since 2018 - Member of the Board of Governors of the Regional Environmental Center for Central Asia.

Head of the group for the preparation of an alternative people’s report on the implementation of the norms of the Aarhus Convention in the Republic of Kazakhstan for the Third and Sixth Meeting of the Parties to the Aarhus Convention. As an OSCE expert, Svetlana developed a national plan for the development of the Aarhus movement in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

As an expert of UNDP, she also developed the “Basin IWRM and Water Conservation Plan for the Irtysh River Basin of the Republic of Kazakhstan”.

In 2021 and 2022, she led the preparation of the Central Asian NGOs’ Appeal on Climate Change for COP 26 and COP 27. As an UNDP expert, Svetlana worked on the preparation of the 6th and the 7th National Communication on Climate Change of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


Mr. Sino Tokhirzoda has been a Director of the Saidu Sayokhat State Unitary Enterprise of the Committee for Environmental Protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan since 2020.

He graduated from the People’s Friendship University of Russia with a degree in International Law. He also attended Troy University, Alabama, USA. He is a member of the team of the Secretariat of the National Designated Body in the Green Climate Fund. Prior to this, he spent several years occupying various positions in the Project Implementation Group of the Committee for Environmental Protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan.

01 September 2022  

Ambassador of the European Union, Head of the EU Delegation to the Republic of Tajikistan

04 March 2022 

Vice Minister /Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania

25 January 2021

Ambassador at-large/ Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania

13 December 2016 

Minister of National Defence / Government of the Republic of Lithuania

19 August 2015 

Vice Minister /Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania

04 October 2010 

Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the European Union 

20 August 2007 

Deputy Permanent Representative to the European Union (COREPER I)

01 September 2005   

Director of Trade Policy department / Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania 

01 October 2003 

Director of Economic department / Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania 

06 September 1999 

Minister Counsellor, Permanent Representative to the WTO (from 31/05/2001) /Permanent mission of the Republic of Lithuania to the UN Office in Geneva 

13 February 1997 

Director of Economic department / Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania 
22 April 1996 

Deputy Director of Economic department / Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania 

26 July 1995 

Head of Trade Policy Division / Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania 

24 October 1994 

First Secretary of Trade Policy Division / Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania 
20 June 1992  Legal Consultant / Lithuanian Free Market Institute   


1986 – 1992 - Vilnius University, Lawyer’s qualification

Languages spoken:

Lithuanian (native), English, Russian, French

Date of birth: 14 April 1968 

Place of birth: Pasvalys, LITHUANIA

Nationality: Lithuanian

Speaker at the Opening Session 

Dr. Hoesung Lee is Chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), elected since October 2015, and Endowed Chair Professor at Korea University Graduate School of Energy and Environment, Seoul, Korea. His research encompasses the economics of climate change, energy and sustainable development.

He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Korean Academy of Environmental Sciences, and chair of the Asian Development Bank President’s Advisory Board on Climate Change and Sustainable Development.

Lee was the founding president of the Korea Energy Economics Institute — a government agency for national energy policy development.

He was Distinguished Research Fellow at the Korea Environment Institute, senior adviser to the Minister of Energy and Resources and the Minister of Environment, senior fellow at the Korea Development Institute and economist at Exxon Company USA.

He served as the president of the International Association for Energy Economics, president of the Korea Resources Economics Association, member of the International Advisory Board of the Battelle-Pacific Northwest National Lab, USA, the Board of Directors of Hyundai Corporation and the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, Japan, and council member of the Global Green Growth Institute.

He was Co-Chair of the IPCC Working Group III (the socio-economic dimensions of climate change) for the Second Assessment which provided a scientific basis for the UNFCCC’s Kyoto Protocol.

He served as Vice-Chair of IPCC 2008-2015, and lead author and review editor for the various IPCC assessments. He has served on many national and international committees addressing climate change and energy.

Speaker at Closing ceremony

Ozan Sevimli, a German national, was appointed as World Bank Country Manager for Tajikistan and Turkmenistan starting August 2, 2021. In this position he will lead the World Bank’s policy dialogue and manage overall program delivery.

Prior to this assignment, he was serving as World Bank Resident Representative for Jamaica and Guyana in the Latin America and Caribbean Region.

Previously he has served as the Program Coordinator for the South Caucasus unit of the World Bank (2016-2019), based in Tbilisi, Georgia. He has also served as Senior Strategy and Operations Officer in the Vice President’s office for the Europe and Central Asia Region of the World Bank. He supported senior management in the development and implementation of the Bank’s regional strategy and corporate priorities.

Between 2005 and 2012 he worked in the World Bank’s Operations Policy and Country Services department and the Africa Regional department as a labor economist.

Prior to joining the World Bank, he was a labor market specialist at the German Employment Agency.

Mr. Sevilmi holds a master’s degree in Business Administration from the University of Texas and a master’s degree in Labor Economics from the University of Applied Sciences of Mannheim.

Jannat Rakhimova is a journalist, eco-fem-activist from the Tashkent region, Uzbekistan. Author of «Girl power time» projects for girls and women from vulnerable ecological regions, «Eco-tourism in Karakalpakstan» project.

Jannat has more than 10 years in the field of eco-law protection. She is an urban activist from Yangiyul, opposes industrial air pollution, promotes affordable infrastructure in her city of Yangiyul, author of the initiative «For Equal Access to the Environment».

Plenary session speaker: Climate change and development in Central Asia 

Akramov Ahmadjon Kamolovich - eco-activist and young specialist working in the field of environmentally sustainable management of natural resources and adaptation to climate change. Ahmadjon works as a program coordinator in the Tajik public organization "Youth Ecological Center", he is a manager and responsible executor of many community mobilization projects, of introducing climate-smart technologies and adaptation planning on local level. He does practical trainings, trains youth, nature users rural residents, provides support in the introduction of soil and water saving technologies, energy efficient technologies and renewable energy sources. The project to promote energy efficient solutions and renewable energy sources in rural communities, which is implemented by the Youth Ecological Center under the direction of Akhmadjon Akramov, was recognized by the international Energy Globe award as one of the best national projects with high social and environmental value. For success in his practical environmental activities, Ahmadjon became an International YoungLleaders of the environmental movement in Central Asia awardee.


Speaker at Parallel Session C.2: Building Climate Resilience on Local Level 

In 2019, Turakul Murodov was appointed as Head of the National Coordination Group of the Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Program for the Aral Sea Basin (CAMP4SAB) Project under the Committee for Environmental Protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan. This project is funded by the Green Climate Fund through the World Bank.

 Mr. Murodov is also Head of the Secretariate of the National Authorized Agency to liaise with the Green Climate Fund. 

Between 2010 and 2019, he headed various projects funded by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) in Tajikistan, and worked as a national consultant in UNDP, ADB, JICA and USAID projects.

He has over 13 years of experience in the field of environmental protection and climate change.

Dr Young is a Lead Water Resources Management Specialist with the World Bank, based in Almaty, Kazakhstan. He is Program Manager for the Central Asia Water and Energy Program and leads water resources management and irrigation lending operations in Tajikistan. He has global oversight of the World Bank’s multiple national water security studies and was lead author for the Bank’s comprehensive water security analysis for Pakistan. From 2013-2018 he worked in South Asia, predominantly in Pakistan and India, and from 2013-2016 he was Program Manager for the South Asia Water Initiative that supports transboundary water cooperation in the Himalayan river basins of South Asia. 

Prior to joining the World Bank, he was the Director of the CSIRO Water Flagship in Australia, with over 300 staff nationally and an annual budget of over AU$100 million. Prior to this he was Director of Basin Modelling at the Murray-Darling Basin Authority and led the development of the water allocation models used to inform development of the Murray-Darling Basin Plan. He has published extensively across three decades on diverse aspects of water research and management in peer-reviewed journal and books and served on multiple committees and panels advising governments on water management. He is currently an Adjunct Professor in Water Resources Management at the Australian Rivers Institute, Griffith University, and a member of the International Advisory Committee of the Global Water Institute at the University of New South Wales.

Speaker at Parallel Session B.2: Landscape Restoration for Climate Resilience in Central Asia

Banu Setlur is Senior Environmental Specialist at the World Bank’s Europe and Central Asia Region and is based in Washington D.C. She is leading several multi-sectoral projects and technical studies in the Environment, Natural Resources and the Blue Economy Global Practice. Over 25 years at the World Bank, she has experience working in low-, middle- and high-income countries on wide ranging projects related to sustainable development. Her expertise cuts across the blue and green agendas including landscape restoration, climate change, natural resource management, disaster risk management, environmental policy and management, and the blue economy. She has managed projects in several countries across Africa and the Middle East and North Africa regions and is currently leading projects in the Europe and Central Asia region. Prior to this she was the Environment Program Coordinator based in the World Bank Kenya country office for three years. She has advanced degrees from George Mason University, USA, and the University of Manchester, UK, in Environmental Science, Environmental Management, and Public Policy.


Alexey Kokorin has nearly 45 years of experience in climate issues. He is the author of more than 190 scientific and popular works on the underlying physical causes and consequences of climate change, international climate cooperation, education and popularization of scientific knowledge. In 1981, Kokorin graduated with honors from Lomonosov Moscow State University, Physics Department. In 1984, he received his PhD degree in physics and mathematics from the same university. For over 15 years he worked at the Institute of Global Climate and Ecology of Roshydromet (Russian Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring) and the Russian Academy of Sciences, where he progressed from junior to lead researcher.

Since the late 1980s, he participated as a leading author in the work of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007 for the dissemination of scientific knowledge on climate change among thousands of scientists who contributed to this work. In 2017, Mr. Kokorin was awarded the badge "Honorary Conservationist of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Russia", as well as the certificate of honor of Roshydromet for many years of diligent work.

Since 1994, Alexey Kokorin actively participates in the work of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), in the 1990s - as a member of the Russian delegation, and for the last 20 years - as an observer and independent expert. From 2000 till Summer 2023, he was the Director of Climate Program of WWF-Russia (in March 2023, the organization was included in the Russian Registry of Foreign Agents).

Over many years of his work, Alexey Kokorin has been the leader or leading expert on over 30 climate projects of UNEP, UNDP, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, Fund of Presidential Grants and a number of international and national cooperation agencies. In recent years he became involved in activities in the Central Asia, in particular in the promotion of adaptation to climate change. From Summer 2023 till Spring 2024, he was consultant of the Central Asia Regional Ecological Centre. He also represents countries of the region in the special expert group of non-governmental organizations working on climate issues and the UNFCCC (Policy Coordination Group of the Climate Action Network). Since February 2024, Alexey Kokorin has been an expert on climate issues in the Russian “Nature and People” Foundation, where, in particular, he is in charge of preparing analytical materials on different aspects of the climate issues.

Through his work with the media Mr. Kokorin is actively involved in communicating scientific information on climate change to the public at large. Over the past 20 years he provided about 4,000 interviews to Russian and foreign media. Alexey Kokorin is constantly analyzing the activities of the UNFCCC and its Paris Agreement; since 2000, twice a year, he has been preparing detailed information reviews for specialists in Russia and neighboring countries. 

Speaker at Opening Plenary: Climate Change and Development in Central Asia

Winston Yu is the Water Practice Manager for the Eastern Europe and Central Asia Region at the World Bank (15 years). He has extensive experience working on technical and institutional problems in the water sector and has carried out several investment projects in a variety of developing countries (e.g. India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, China, Ethiopia, Ukraine, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Poland). His special interests include river basin management, hydrologic modeling, flood forecasting and management, groundwater hydrogeology, international rivers and transboundary issues, irrigation modernization, water allocation decision support systems, institutional and policy analysis, and adaptation to climate change. Prior to joining the World Bank, he was a Senior Researcher at the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) working on water and climate change modeling studies for river basins in China and California. He also served as a Science Officer at the US Department of State where he worked on water issues in the Middle East (including Iraq). He is currently serving as a technical member of the Water and Society Committee of the American Geophysical Union and serving on the Technical Committee of the Global Water Partnership. He is currently also an Adjunct Professor at the School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) at Johns Hopkins University where he teaches a course on international water issues in development and on the water-energy-food nexus. He holds a PhD and MS in environmental science and engineering from Harvard University.



Juergen Voegele, Ph.D., assumed the position of Vice President for Sustainable Development at the World Bank on April 1, 2020. In this role, he oversees the work of Global Practices and thematic groups that bring together the best expertise from across the World Bank Group and from partners, to help countries tackle their most complex challenges in the area of sustainable development. The practices and groups under his responsibility include Agriculture and Food; Climate Change; Environment, Natural Resources and Blue Economy; Environmental and Social Framework Implementation Unit; Social Development; Urban, Disaster Risk Management, Resilience and Land; and Water.

Prior to this appointment, Dr. Voegele was Global Director of the World Bank's Climate Change Group and Senior Director of the World Bank's Agriculture and Food Global Practice. Dr. Voegele is chair of the CGIAR System Council Board, which oversees agricultural research programs tackling poverty, food and nutrition security, and improved natural resource management around the world. Since 2016, Dr. Voegele has served as co-chair of the Global Future Councils of the World Economic Forum. He is also a member of the EAT Foundation Advisory Board since May 2017.

Since joining the World Bank in 1991, Dr. Voegele has held several assignments, chairing the Agriculture and Rural Development Sector Board as well as the Environment Sector Board, leading the Agriculture Unit in China, the Agriculture and Rural Development Unit of the Europe and Central Asia Region, and the Agriculture and Rural Development Department of the World Bank (later recast as the Agriculture and Environmental Services Department). Career highlights include his leadership of the acclaimed Loess Plateau watershed management project in China and managing a multi-sectoral team that disbursed more than $1 billion for 70 projects in response to the global Avian influenza crisis. Those latter efforts were replicated during the 2008 global food crisis.

Dr. Voegele holds a PhD in Agricultural Economics and a Master’s in Agricultural Engineering from the University of Hohenheim, in Germany.

Speaker at parallel session A.3: WEF Nexus under Climate Change 

William Lindberg is a Programme Manager and the Deputy Head of Cooperation in the Delegation of the European Union to Tajikistan. He is in charge of the delegation’s portfolio on energy, oversees regional programmes on disaster risk reduction & nuclear safety, and coordinates strategic communication activities related to EU-Tajikistan cooperation.

Before joining the EU Delegation in Tajikistan, he served as a Policy Officer in the EC’s Directorate-General for International Partnerships in Brussels, managing EU-funded financial instruments for boosting private sustainable energy investments in sub-Saharan Africa and coordinated the EU’s cooperation with the US-led initiative Power Africa.

Earlier, on different positions, he was responsible for political analysis, reporting, communication, and visibility, focusing specifically on the areas of environment, climate change, and security & defence, financial analysis and managing audit contracts.

He holds a Master’s degree in Political Science from the Long Island University, New York, and a Bachelor’s degree in European Studies from the University of Gothenburg.

Mr. Khairy Al-Jamal is Senior Water Supply and Sanitation Specialist located in Uzbekistan, World Bank ECCA Region. He has more than 30 years of experience in water and wastewater infrastructure engineering design, hydraulic modeling supervision, energy efficiency in water supply and sanitation, planning, program management and project management. In addition, Dr. Al-Jamal has led multidisciplinary teams in water resources strategic planning; water sector reforms including policy and regulation formulation and promotion of appropriate institutional setup; utility development and turnaround; and portfolio buildup and management. He also has led strategic projects and technical assistance in the energy sector. Dr. Al-Jamal joined the Bank in 2004 and helped to prepare and supervise a number of projects and studies in water, sanitation, urban, mining and geothermal energy in many countries, including China, Egypt, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Lebanon, Mongolia, Nigeria, the Palestinian Territories, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Yemen. During his career, he worked for government, international organizations and attained good experience in donor coordination and harmonization. 

He has a Post Doctorate in Water Systems Design and Optimization from University of Cambridge, UK; a PhD in Renewable Energy Resources from University of Reading, UK, and BEng in Mechanical Engineering from Birzeit University, Palestine. He has a rich publication record of more than 25 scientific papers, articles and reports in the water and energy sector.


Youth Represantive Panelists 

Anisa Zarjumieva is a fourth-year student at the University of Central Asia at the Khorog campus in Tajikistan majoring in Earth and Environmental Sciences. Anisa has held internship positions with the following organizations and institutions: Mountain Society Development Support Program (Environmental Specialist Intern), Aga Khan Agency for Habitat (Research Assistant), and the University of Central Asia (Lab Assistant). In 2021, Anisa worked with the Mountain Society Research Institute as an intern for the World Bank-funded Anchor School Feasibility Study

Ayesha Vawda is a Lead Education Specialist, working in the Europe and Central Asia (ECA) region of the World Bank Group. She is lead author of the ECA region’s first People’s chapter of the Uzbekistan Country Climate and Development review and works closely with the RESILAND project to support climate policy development and action amongst youth in schools, universities and civil society across Central Asia. Ms. Vawda has lived and worked in the Middle East and North Africa, South Asia, and Europe and Central Asia regions. Ms. Vawda has also managed a group of low-cost private schools for students living in slums in Pakistan and has published in international journals on education financing, public private partnerships, and ensuring equality in education.

Speaker at Panel Session 3: Climate financing: needs and opportunities

Étienne Espagne is Senior Climate Economist at the World Bank EFI chief economist office and an associate researcher at CERDI. His research focuses on building theories, models, and methodologies to assess the macro-financial aspects of low-carbon policies as well as climate and nature impacts, especially in the developing and emerging economies context. He co-leads two major programs at the World Bank on analytical tool development and capacity development for finance ministries. Prior to this, as a senior economist at AFD (Agence Française de Développement), the bilateral development bank for the French government, he developed and contributed to a research program on the modelling and evaluation of climate damages, adaptation, and mitigation strategies in developing and emerging economies. Dr. Espagne holds a PhD in environmental economics from the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) and is also a graduate from the French École des Mines de Paris and the Paris School of Economics. He has published several papers in academic journals in the field of climate change and energy economics and regularly teaches at Paris 1 University, EHESS, Ecole Polytechnique and ENSTA Paristech. He has previously worked at France Stratégie, CEPII and CIRED.

Parallel Session C.2 Speaker: Building Climate Resilience on local communities level

Azizbek Turdiev was appointed as the Financing Specialist for the Project " Program for adaptation to climate change and mitigation of its consequences for Aral Sea basin". For many years, he worked as the head of the department at the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the Republic of Uzbekistan and "Uzsuvtaminot" company on water use, and also led the project "Development of added value chain in connection with fruit and vegetable production" with the participation of the Asian Development Bank.

Youth Represantive Panelists 

Mumina Abdulvohidzoda is a water and climate activist with a passion for environment and youth inclusion in the water and climate arena especially in Central Asia. She is currently interning with UNICEF Tajikistan in the WASH program. Her focus is policy engagement targeting strategic shifts, including risk-based approaches to water management and sanitation such as water and sanitation safety and citywide inclusive sanitation. She is also a facilitator of Climate Fresk game, an interactive scientific game that brings awareness about climate change. 

She holds a bachelor's degree in International Relations with a focus on transboundary water governance and management in Central Asia from American University of Central Asia.  Her interests include advocating for child rights, system strengthening,  and climate resilience.

Nikita Makarenko is Founder of Aral Dream, an Uzbekistan-based NGO with a mission to bring the issues of the Aral Sea to the attention of youth and the broader public. He is also a journalist, blogger, lecturer, musician, and producer. In 2020, Nikita was recognized as Uzbekistan’s top 11th blogger and influencer by Forbes Uzbekistan. He is a recipient of Stanford University’s Draper Hills Summer Fellowship and McCain Global Leaders Fellowship. In 2021-2023 Nikita received four National Signs of Honor for his excellent work in promoting constitutional values, the rule of law, inter-ethnic friendship, and tourism. You can see Nikita’s most recent work "Salty Lives" is available here.

Speaker at the Parallel Session C.2: Building Climate Resilience on local level 

Ms Mirsaidova Jamilya graduated from Technological University of Tajikistan on Information Technologies, (a Bachelor Degree), completed a series of trainings, and participated in international exchange programmes and capacity building campaigns on sustainable economic development in Japan, USA and Europe.

Ms Mirsaidova has over 12 years of professional experiences within the state government institutions and international organizations. She was responsible for management of country-wide and community-based projects focusing on livelihoods improvement and local sustainable economic development through implementation of water sector reform programme and contributed in elaboration of Syr-Darya River basin management plan, as well involved in the establishment and institutional development of Syrdarya River Basin Organization and Syrdarya Basin Council. Bas. 

Moreover, she has managed the implementation of the projects and programs focused on sustainable agricultural development and food security, water management and DRR in effective and sustainable use of natural resource management, thereby ensuring local economy revival through creating employments and income-generating activities among rural population, especially women, youth and disabled people.

Moderator at the Panel Session 3: Climate financing: needs and opportunities 

Nita Prekazi, a national of Kosovo, joined the World Bank on Special Assignment through the Voice Secondment Program (“VSP”) 18th cohort as Senior Officer for International Financial Cooperation in the Ministry of Finance, where she serves as contact point for international finance institutions such as the World Bank Group, European Investment Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Council of Europe Development Bank, German Development Bank (KfW). 

Ms. Prekazi's responsibilities include negotiating loan and grant agreements supporting major investment projects as well as securing and coordinating the implementation of technical assistance and investment grants through the Western Balkans Investment Framework (WBIF). By working on environment and energy related projects, she has developed a deep passion for sustainability issues and is enthusiastic about ensuring quality and access to opportunities for future generations.

She holds a bachelor degree in Public Policy and Management from Rochester Institute of Technology, and a master's degree in Political Economy from University of Amsterdam, where she was the recipient of the “Young Cell Scheme” scholarship awarded by the European Union. 

Speaker at A.2. Energy Security 

Nadejda Khamrakulova is the Economic Affairs Officer at the Sustainable Energy Division, UN Economic Commission for Europe. She is focusing on activities aimed to enhance capacities of countries to develop and implement projects on low-carbon hydrogen production, renewable energy, energy efficiency, and leading activities across Europe and Central Asia. Prior to this, Nadejda was consulting FAO, UNEP and UNECE on various projects in the area of sustainable development. From 2007 to 2014, she was implementing projects on financing energy efficiency and renewable energy investments, enhancement of transboundary water cooperation, and assessment of economic policies. Nadejda holds Executive Master’s degree from the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, and Master’s degree from the University of Geneva (UNIGE). 

Sana Zia is Senior Social Development Specialist at the World Bank in Tajikistan. She brings over fifteen years of experience in multi-cultural environments through various leadership, representational and advisory roles in her career with FCDO, UN, INGOs and consulting groups. Her technical expertise lies in the areas of conflict & stability, social inclusion, governance and environmental and climate issues. She brings with her extensive experience of designing and managing conflict programs in various parts of Pakistan including border regions with Afghanistan. In her previous roles with the FCDO, Sana has led the UK CSSF Pakistan team, represented UK’s development portfolio in Pakistan’s largest province, managed conflict programming in FATA Pakistan, and advised on emerging climate issues. Sana is an economist and public policy specialist and a graduate of Carnegie Mellon University and Lahore University of Management Sciences. She has also spent a year in Japan as part of her undergraduate program and completed a year-long fellowship in water management with LEAD International.

Sara Mierke is Founder/CEO of AnchorEd, LLC, a consulting group working with schools and NGOs at the intersection of community development, education, and social justice. An educator and school administrator, she has led initiatives at Future Leadership Academy (China), African Leadership Academy (South Africa), and Hawken School (U.S.). Sara also has held multiple positions with Catholic Relief Services in East Africa, the Balkans, and the U.S., and served as Regional Technical Advisor/Education Network Leader for CRS/Europe. Sara holds an MEd in Education Entrepreneurship (University of Pennsylvania), an MA in International Development and Social Change (Clark University), and a BA in Anthropology (Amherst College). 

Speaker of Parallel Session С2: C.2: Building Climate Resilience on local level 

Participant and leader of research and projects related to the green economy in Kyrgyzstan and Central Asia, has solid practical experience at the national and international levels in international organizations and in private companies.

Kambarov Ilgiz is a member of the Coordinating Council of the project "Local communities’ support for the green agriculture development" - "Go Green", which is funded by the European Union.

He is also the coordinator from Kyrgyzstan in the Regional Climate Network of the Central Asia Civil Society, which is an association of national climate and environmental networks of all countries of Central Asia, created for the free exchange of information, dialogue and discussions, environmental and climate policy issues and development of public climate action in the region.

Kambarov Ilgiz, in the name of the Green Alliance of Kyrgyzstan, is a manager of the pilot project aimed at promotion and implementation of a voluntary eco-certification scheme among small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Kyrgyzstan as part of the project to promote energy and resource efficiency in the tourism sector of Kyrgyzstan (PERETO).

Speaker of the Parallel Session C2

Yuri Skochilov, Coordinator of the Tajik Climate Change Network, Director of the Youth Ecological Centre of the Republic of Tajikistan, Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy, a member of the Regional Network of Ecological Experts and of the Coordinating Council of the Climate NGO Network of Central Asian Civil Society Organizations (CA CN).

As part of his expert activities, he was a consultant in climate projects supported by ADB, WB and UNDP, within which he assessed climate risks and vulnerability at the community level, was engaged in adaptation planning and development of the first pilot Local Action Plans for Adaptation (LAPA) in Tajikistan, and participated in the development of K-Box, a knowledge management platform on natural resources and climate change adaptation.

As part of his public activities, Yuri was a member of the Public Council under the Interstate Commission on Sustainable Development (ICSD) and a working group on development of the National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy. Currently, he implements projects promoting adaption of community-based technologies and practices, coordinates activities of the Tajik Climate Change NGO Network, which contributes greatly to information dissemination and capacity building.

Speaker at session C.2: Building Climate Resilience

Ilhom Safarov is an expert in programme and project management which is supplemented with knowledge of administration, procurement and finance.

His core competencies are programme/project planning, reporting, knowledge management, partnership building, monitoring and evaluation, information and database management and analyses.

Ilhom have deep understanding of disaster management, disaster risk reduction, climate change, resilience building, community development.

He is fluent in English, Russian, Tajik/Persian.

Speaker at Panel Session 3: Climate financing: needs and opportunities

Shanny CAMPBELL holds a Master of Development degree (Distinction) plus Bachelor of Science with Honors. She has 30 years of experience as a development professional. She has been Country Director for ADB Tajikistan since February 2021. Previous ADB positions include Principal Transport Specialist and Deputy Country Director, Afghanistan. Work has been undertaken in 26 countries in the Asia-Pacific Region including all Central and West Asian countries. Sectors of experience include agriculture, irrigation, transport, energy, water supply and sanitation, environment, education, small business, rural development, development banking and infrastructure - primarily power and transport. Shanny is also a project developer and manager, specializing in the areas of poverty reduction, social inclusion, conflict sensitive development and rural development. She has experience in post conflict and post disaster development situations.

Speaker at Panel Session 3: Climate financing: needs and opportunities

Paola Ridolfi leads the policy, partnerships and operations team at the GEF Secretariat and she is based in Washington. She has worked on development programs with the World Bank in different regions for over twenty years and more recently has focused on the interface between policies, financing and climate with the Global Environment Facility Secretariat. Her work covers concessional finance, policy incentives and leveraging partnerships globally.

Speaker at parallel session A.3: WEF Nexus under Climate Change 

Ms Lyudmila Kiktenko, Programme Manager, Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia (CAREC)

Education in Economics and Business Administration, Economics of land degradation. Since 2016, she is the Manager of the European Union's "Central Asia Nexus Dialogue Project: Fostering Water, Energy and Food Security Nexus and Multi-Sector Investment".

Laying the foundation for the adoption and institutionalization of the water-energy-food security Nexus, today she leads implementation of the demonstration projects in 5 CA countries to prove the benefit of Nexus application for different types of tasks: 1) To tackle the sedimentation issue at Tuyamuyun Hydro-Complex (TKM-UZB) 2) To decrease the energy consumption by pumping stations (TAJ) 3) To plant dried bottom of Aral Sea Basin (KAZ)

Speaker at parallel session A.3: WEF Nexus under Climate Change 

Ilkhom Jurayev, Authorised Representative of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the Executive Committee of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea (IFAS)

Earned degrees in economics, water management and international relations from national universities in Tashkent.  Gained over 15 years of experience in supporting regional initiatives on water management, environmental protection and sustainable development, in particular in Aral Sea region, from the regional and international platforms. At national level developed legal and technical regulatory acts on the operations of the water facilities, including on the transboundary water resources of the interstate importance.

Speaker at parallel session A.3: WEF Nexus under Climate Change 

Malika Ikramova, Hydraulic engineer, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Laboratory Integrated Use of Water Resources, Research Institute of Irrigation and Water Problems of the Ministry of Water Resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

She has more than 25 years of experience in improving the efficiency of water and land resources use, engineering hydrology and water resources management, land use, global climate and water supply in Uzbekistan and other Central Asian countries, works as the head of the scientific laboratory of the Research Institute of Irrigation and Water Problems of the Ministry of Water Resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan, headed the department “Attracting foreign Investment and monitoring international projects” Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, has experience in the scientific field as a teacher of students, masters and doctoral students. She also has experience working with projects funded by FAO, EU, ADB, GIZ, UNDP as the head of a regional group, a specialist in M&E, technical adviser and expert on IWRM to improve the provision of irrigation and drinking water in ecologically crisis zones, to promote the “green economy” in arid regions of the country, risk management of transboundary water resources. resources of the Amu Darya, Syr Darya and Zarafshan river basins.

Speaker at parallel session A.3: WEF Nexus under Climate Change 

Bakhrom Gaforzoda, hydraulic engineer, Ph.D., Secretary of the National Commission on Irrigation and Drainage of the Republic of Tajikistan (NCID), Agency for Land Reclamation and Irrigation under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan

Has experience in preparing analytical materials and feasibility studies on the modernization of irrigation and drainage systems, taking into account the impact of climate change. Managed the implementation of various investment projects in the field of integrated water resources management, land reclamation and irrigation, water economy, climate change adaptation, international and national water law, prevention and reduction of natural disaster risks, ecology and other related areas. Has experience in public service.

Speaker at parallel session A.3: WEF Nexus under Climate Change 

Maria Zadneprovskaya, Head of the Department of Ecology of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea in the Republic of Kazakhstan (IFAS)

Responsible for the implementation of projects on the afforestation of the drained bottom of the Aral Sea, for the restoration and development of the Northern Aral Sea, and for the interactions with public organizations. She worked in the Ministry of Environmental Protection and the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. She supervised issues related to public participation in the decision-making process on environmental issues, the work of the Public Environmental Council, environmental monitoring, science, the implementation of the social order, the OECD project to improve the competitiveness of Kazakhstan, environmental education. The total work experience is 15 years.

Speaker at the parallel session A.2. Energy Security

Ms. Muhiba Rabejanova (Tajikistan) has over 15 years of experience in the field of international development and environment through her work in various international organizations and institutions. 

Ms. Rabejanova has joined UNDP Tajikistan in June of 2021 in a capacity of Project Manager for a GEF funded Green Energy and Small and Medium Enterprise Development project. 

After having only worked for 10 months with UNDP, she has been promoted to provide analytical and technical support and coordination of ongoing projects of the UNDP Country Office in Tajikistan’s Climate Change, Energy and Environment and Disaster Risk Reduction portfolio. 

Prior to joining UNDP, Ms. Rabejonova served as Grants and Financial Management Specialist at Public Affairs Section of United States Embassy in Baghdad, Iraq (2010-2016). Before that, she served as Small Grants programme manager at the U.S. Embassy in Dushanbe, Tajikistan (2009-2010). Ms. Rabejanova has also worked with various international NGOs, development banks and educational institutions in the capacity of technical expert and consultant of various environmental and development projects. 

Ms. Rabejanova holds a Master’s Degree in International Law and the Settlement of Disputes from the UN mandated University for Peace, in San Jose, Costa Rica, and a Bachelor’s Degree on Philosophy, Politics and Economics from the University of Eastern Oregon, La Grande, Oregon, USA. 

She speaks Tajik, Farsi, Russian and English.

Speaker at parallel session A.3: WEF Nexus under Climate Change 

Aina Mamytova, Head of the Research Department "Green Economy, Climate Change and Sustainable Development" and expert of the Higher courses of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic named after Zhusup Abdrakhmanov

She has more than 20 years of teaching and coaching. Obtained the nomination “best educator”. She is a developer of teaching and training programmes on project management, strategic planning, conflict management, climate change adaptation, disaster risk reduction, etc. for state and municipal employees and representatives of partner organizations

Speaker at Panel Session 3: Climate financing: needs and opportunities

Mr. Nasritdinov’s work includes engagement with stakeholders in EBRD countries of in the area of Green Economy Transition and Climate Action. These include policy, partnerships and capacity building engagements aimed at mainstreaming a green agenda. That includes support for development and delivery of country Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), Long Term Strategies (LTS) and Sector specific Low Carbon Pathways (LCPs). 

He also takes part in coordination and mainstreaming of green lending products in these countries. He is also involved in development of natural capital and sustainability linked lending (nature based solutions).

Mr. Nasritdinov holds a Master’s degree in Biosystems Engineering and Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Engineering from Iowa State University.

Amjad Khan is an Economist working with the World Bank’s Water GP and Sustainable Development VPU. He has wide experience providing evidence-based insights to inform the design of policy and investment projects in various regions, including Indonesia, Mauritania, Nigeria, Senegal, and Turkey. His work specializes in building analytical narratives that engage with contextual nuances through rich quantitative/spatial data and economic theory, with a focus on evaluating the impacts associated with regional development, human capital, conflict and natural resource management. Amjad is a native of Pakistan, holds a PhD in Economics from the George Washington University and has been working with the World Bank since 2016.


Mrs. Tatyana G. Leonova is a Senior Consultant in the WB Central Asia Water-Energy Program (CAWEP). Tatyana has over 30 years of international experience havng spent 25 years as the World Bank staff working on capacity building, training and learning programs’ design and implementation, knowledge and leadership management across the countries of the Europe and Central Asia (ECA) and the Middle East and North Africa Regions. Tatyana was involved in the set-up and implementation of the CAWEP Central Asia Knowledge Network (CAKN) – one of the first CAWEP capacity projects launched more than ten years ago. Currently she works with the CAKN team on provision of capacity building support to organizational and institutional strengthening of the Central Asia Regional Environmental Center (CAREC) and oversees enhancement and operationalization of the e-learning Platform under CAKN including development of online training courses in the areas of climate change and water resource management. Tatyana holds PhD in International Economics and Statistics from the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia, and an Official Certification in Knowledge Management from the Knowledge Management Institute (KMI), USA.

Speaker at parallel session B.3: WEF Nexus Next Steps

Robert Brudzynski is a Programme Manager, Cooperation Section, European Union Delegation to Kazakhstan. Prior to the current position, he worked as a project manager in the Delegations of the EU to Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. Before joining the European Union, Mr. Brudzynski worked on technical assistance project and economic research in the areas of public financial management, social policy, investment risk, business cycle and foreign trade.

Speaker at Panel Session 2: Leveraging regional collaboration in 

a changing global policy environment

Firuz Ibrohimov has a BSc in Agriculture, an MSc in Land Management, and a PhD. in Environmental Science. With over 20 years of experience in sustainable development and urbanization. He has hands-on knowledge of forest management, grazing, protected areas, policy and planning, and sustainable use of natural resources.

Over the past two decades, he has spearheaded several legal initiatives on a national, regional, and international scale. He has a strong track record in managing and monitoring project portfolios, designing, advising, and evaluating multilateral-funded projects related to capacity development, agriculture, climate change, disaster risk management, and water resource management (both national and transboundary), as well as energy efficiency. He has worked as an independent consultant in more than 10 countries, including conducting midterm and final/terminal evaluations for UNDP-GEF, UNEP-GEF, and EU in Uzbekistan, Georgia, Russia, Jordan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, China, Montenegro, and Botswana.

He is fluent in Tajik (native), English, Russian, Persian, Uzbek, Kazakh, and Turkish.

Speaker at parallel session B.3: WEF Nexus Next Steps

Dmitry Petrin is a Senior operations officer of the World Bank Central Asia Regional office responsible for coordination of regional engagement agenda, development and update of the Regional Engagement Framework for Central Asia, operational support and policy guidance in connection with the preparation, approval, implementation, and evaluation of operational products and analytical works at regional and cross-regional levels. Serve as focal point to coordinate the Bank's high-level dialogue with other regional entities (e.g., other IFIs, CAREC, etc), internal and external parties (e.g., cooperation agencies and other international organizations) and monitor other regional engagements e.g., EU CA Strategy, China Belt and Road, US CA Strategy etc.

From 1993 contributed to preparation and implementation support of projects of the WB, EBRD, EU, DFID, New Development Bank, Foundation for Enterprise Restructuring. He was responsible for coordinating the activities of the project implementation team with partners and government agencies. 

Speaker of the Climate Finance session

Abdullaev Iskandar

Institution: Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) Institute

Position: Deputy Director II

Country: Uzbekistan 

Dr. Iskandar Abdullaev holds MSc and PhD degrees from Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agriculture Mechanization Engineers (TIIAME), Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Part of his PhD work Dr. Abdullaev conducted at Iowa State University (ISU), Iowa, USA. Dr. Abdullaev have intensive training and education programmes in Israel (1996-1997), USA (1999) and the Netherlands, (2000), Switzerland (2002). Dr. Iskandar Abdullaev has over 25 years of experience in water management, water institutions, environmental activities in Afghanistan and five Central Asian countries.

Dr. Iskandar Abdullaev joined Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) Institute as Deputy Director in June, 2019. From 2013-2019 Dr. Abdullaev worked as an Executive Director of Regional Environmental Center (CAREC) for Central Asia.

Prior joining of CAREC in 2009-2013, Dr. Abdullaev worked as Regional advisor for Germany’s Berlin Initiative- Transboundary Water Management in Central Asia (Programme) at the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ).

During 2007-2009, he worked in position of Senior Researcher at ZEF Centre for Development Research University of Bonn (Germany) and conducted research in Central Asia and Afghanistan.

During 2001-2007, Dr. Abdullaev worked as a regional researcher at International Water Management Institute (Headquarters in Sri Lanka). His research focus included Central Asia, Iran, Pakistan, Thailand and Sri-Lanka.

Dr. Abdullaev very well linked with research, scientific societies of the region and worldwide. He is member of International Water Resources Association (IWRA), member of editorial boards of few internationally peer reviewed journals.

Dr. Abdullaev author of 3 monographic books, over 30 peer reviewed articles, policy papers and presented more than 150 conference papers. Dr. Abdullaev have been regular guest and key-note speaker at the many international conferences such as Annual World Water Weeks, World Water Forums.

Speaker at parallel session B.3: WEF Nexus Next Steps

Peter Riley, Peter Riley is USAID’s new Mission Director in Dushanbe, Tajikistan.  He was previously the Senior Development Advisor and Acting Mission Director for Tunisia between 2017 and 2021. He previously served as the Director of the Economic Growth and Infrastructure Office in the USAID West Bank/Gaza Mission and as Director of the Office of Consolidation, Land and Environment at USAID/Colombia.

Before joining the Foreign Service, Mr. Riley was the Senior Regional Advisor for Africa for the USAID Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance in Nairobi, Kenya and served as the Chief of Party for USAID-funded projects in the Horn of Africa, Liberia, and Uganda. 

A native of Western Massachusetts, Mr. Riley received a B.A. degree from Harvard College and an M.A. from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy.

Speaker at parallel session B.3: WEF Nexus Next Steps

Dr. Caroline Milow, Programme Manager ‘Green Central Asia’: Transboundary dialogue on climate, environment and security in Central Asia and Afghanistan at Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, which is a follow-up initiative to the Berlin Process. PhD in diplomatic history

Dr. Milow worked for the OSCE in several positions in Albania, Kosovo and Uzbekistan. She was seconded as a Political Advisor to the European Union Special Representative for Central Asia / European Union External Action in the water, environment and energy desk.

In 2014, Ms. Milow joined the GIZ, managed the Transboundary Water Resources Management in Central Asia Programme and the EU co-financed project on Water Governance in Uzbekistan before she took over the management of Green Central Asia.

Dr. Azamat Kauazov

Head of the Meteorology and Hydrology Department

Faculty of Geography and Environmental Sciences

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University  

My name is Kauazov Azamat PhD, in 2002, I graduated with a Bachelor's degree from the Geographical Faculty of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University with a degree in Meteorology.

I started my career at RSE Kazhydromet, where I worked as a meteorologist engineer from 2002-2005. From 2004 to 2006, after graduating with a university-wide master's degree of Al–Farabi Kazakh National University in the speciality "Ecology", I studied at the full-time postgraduate course of the Institute of Space Research in the speciality 25.00.34 - "aerospace research, photogrammetry".

From 2005 to 2013 - I worked in the field of remote sensing and monitoring of droughts at the U.M. Sultangazin Space Research Institute as a researcher and head of the laboratory. From 2014 to 2016, I worked at JSC "National Center for Space Research and Technology" as Deputy Director of the Department of Remote Sensing of the Earth.

In 2011, I defended my PhD thesis in the speciality 25.00.27 – land hydrology, water resources and hydrochemistry. The topic of my dissertation is "Determination of the maximum water equivalent of snow cover in the grain-bearing zone of Northern Kazakhstan according to remote sensing data".

From 2017 to 2019, I worked as a National Expert on Water Resources Management and Climate Change Adaptation at the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Kazakhstan. From 2020-2021 - I held the position of Head of the Meteorological Research Department of RSE "Kazhydromet". Since 2010, I have been concurrently lecturing at the Department of Meteorology and Hydrology of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

My research interests include extensive topics of climate change, remote sensing of the Earth, GIS, Web-GIS and Delphi programming, atmospheric pollution, snow cover and droughts. About 50 scientific publications have been published, 20 of them abroad. I am a member of the Kazakh Geographical Society. My total work experience is more than 20 years.

Speaker at parallel session B.3: WEF Nexus Next Steps

Takayoshi Kato is an Environmental Economist at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). His current work focuses on climate resilience and the water, energy and food nexus in Central Asia. Takayoshi has also led several OECD projects, including on: climate change adaptation and development cooperation as well as green and sustainable finance in the region of Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia. Before joining the OECD, Takayoshi worked at the Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group in Japan, where he worked with his clients in the private and public sectors on energy efficiency and renewable energy financing.

Speaker at Parallel Session B.2: Landscape Restoration for Climate Resilience in Central Asia

Online participation 

Mr. Akylbek Mazaripov is a highly accomplished leader from the Kyrgyz Republic, known for his remarkable contributions to the fields of public administration and policy development. With an impressive track record spanning over two decades, he has held various influential positions within the government, including his role as the Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade. Mr. Mazaripov's expertise and strategic vision have played a crucial role in shaping economic policies, promoting sustainable development, and fostering international collaborations to drive positive change in the Kyrgyz Republic. 

Grzegorz Peszko is a Lead Economist in the Global Platforms team of the Environment, Natural Resources & Blue Economy Practice Group of the World Bank, where he leads analytical and advisory services on economics of climate change mitigation, plastic pollution prevention, air pollution, Changing Wealth of Nations, as well as macro-economic and fiscal aspects of sustainability. Grzegorz has over 30 years of work experience in the fields of environmental economics. He holds a doctoral degree from the Cracow University of Economics in the Economics of Environment and Energy and is based in Washington DC.

Shiranov Akzan Rashidovich is the Director of Environmental Policy and Sustainable Development Department, Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources,

Republic of Kazakhstan. Previously, he held various positions in JSC "Information and Analytical Center for Oil and Gas” under the Ministry of Oil and Gas of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Oil and Gas, and the Ministry of Energy.

In 2005 he graduated from the Moscow State Technical University named after N. E. Bauman.Director.


Ximena Franco is a Senior Project Manager for the Circular Economy at Global Factor, an international consulting focused on Climate change solutions. She has 27 years of experience in the leadership of sustainability processes, biodiversity management, management of scientific information networks and in the design and implementation of environmental projects, working in organizations from different fields: public, private, trade, research and NGOs, and from different shores, among others, such as organizational management, promotion of scientific networks, leadership of inter-institutional and multicultural processes and in the conceptualization, structuring and implementation of long-term projects.

Ximena also has extensive experience in project management at local, national, international and sectoral levels. The most recent, of a regional nature, are focused on the definition of circular economy action plans at the national-sectoral level in Kazakhstan and Croatia, and at the local level in the city of Almaty. At the sectoral level, he guided the prioritization of the manufacturing sectors with the greatest potential for industrial symbiosis at the national level in Peru.

Different topics occupy her management and leadership agenda in sustainability, such as CSR, data and information exchange on biodiversity, or the implementation and certification of sustainable practices for agriculture. She has participated in multiple networks and working groups, for the definition of standards, indicators and sustainable management practices for different agricultural subsectors. For 14 years she led the Sustainability area for the floriculture guild in Colombia, and led and gave a global focus to the certification for sustainable flowers Florverde Sustainable Flowers, which covers all aspects of sustainability for a highly relevant economic activity.

Mr. Rajat Batra is the Co-founder of STENUM Asia. As Chief Executive, he leads its team to formulate relevant solutions and deliver related consulting, training, and implementation support that helps enterprises become more sustainable. Before starting STENUM Asia, Rajat has over 20 years of experience as an entrepreneur of a SME manufacturing business with international collaborations and later as the Managing Director of an international JV producing automotive components. With a strong technical background (B. Tech from IIT-BHU, M.S. from The Ohio State University, USA and a M & V certification from AEE, USA) and learnings from several training programmes attended in Germany, Austria, China and Japan as well as a deep experience of leading several dozen project teams across South and Central Asia, he is able to analyse and add value in enterprises across sectors. Rajat has a special interest in fostering practical applications of circular economy principles in business enterprises.

Speaker of Panel discussion 2: 

Leveraging regional collaboration in a changing global policy environment

Rupa Mukerji is Director of the Advisory Services department at Helvetas and is a member of its Management Board. She works as a Senior Advisor on adaptation to climate change. She has long term work experience in India and advisory experiences in several other countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Rupa has over 30 years of work experience in development cooperation, in strategic management, all aspects of project cycle management and in advisory and coaching functions. Rupa serves on the Advisory Committees of several professional bodies including  ETH4D and the Climate Justice and Resilience Fund. Rupa has had a long association with the IPCC (United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) contributing as a Lead Author to its 5th and 6th Assessment Reports on the topics of Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation to climate change. Rupa Mukerji was a member of the official Swiss delegation for the climate summit COP27. She regularly contributes to Swiss and international media and enjoys interacting with students and young researchers interested in international development and climate change issues. Rupa has studied natural sciences (zoology) and management (MBA).

Vasil Zlatev is an air quality expert working for the World Bank on a number of international projects. Vasil participated in the drafting of strategic national air quality programs for Bulgaria in line with EU legislation requirements, as well as in air quality diagnostic work in Ukraine and in North Macedonia. Vasil co-authored reports on cost-effective management of air pollution and its impact on climate change mitigation in Kazakhstan and is working on an air quality project in the Kyrgyz Republic.

Mr. Umarkhon Madvaliev, PhD General Director of OJSC “Systemavtomatika”, Tajikistan President of the Public Organization "Association of Renewable Energy of Tajikistan" 

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of the Tajikistan, with the major in Physics. He possesses a vast experience in various positions at the S.U. Umarov National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan.

Moreover, Mr. Madvaliev has over 10 years of practical experience in the field of renewable energy.

Under personal leadership of Mr. Madvaliev there were implemented a number of projects related to installation of PV solar systems and solar water heaters in Tajikistan and Afghanistan, which were financed by USAID, JICA, Asian Development Bank and UNDP.

Furthermore, cooperation with the Association of Energy Engineers of the USA has resulted to training of a number of highly qualified local specialists in energy efficiency and energy audit, who have received international certificates. Over 100 scientific articles in the field of experimental physics, including in renewable energy under the guidance of Mr. Madvaliev have been published.

Currently in the frame of USAID funded Regional Program "Energy Future" and "Power Centra Asia" projects, the team of highly qualified experts of Mr. Madvaliev conducted cooperation with the Innovative Wind Energy, Inc.(USA) and prepared recommendations and proposals for the Ministry of Energy and Water Resources of the Republic of Tajikistan for selection of efficient zones for construction of solar and wind farms, taking into account the geographical areas, resource density, technical and financial feasibility, as well as their preparation for competitive procurement in the Northern Tajikistan.

Dr. Abror Gafurov is a water resources and climate change expert with an extensive international experience. He is involved in several projects, among other the CAWa-Green project in the frame of the Green Central Asia Initiative, the CLIMWATER project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, as well as projects funded by International Donor Organizations (e.g. World Bank, UNDP, USAID, etc.). Some of the recent scientific studies of Abror Gafurov include the assessment of climate change on water resources in Central Asia, developing innovative approaches for improved water availability assessment as well as developing climate change adaptation measures. He is also a developer of the MODSNOW – an operational system to monitor water resources in Central Asia that is widely used by governmental organizations in the region

Mr. Junaidzoda Muhibullo is the Director of the Center for Implementation of Investment Projects, Committee for Environmental Protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan. Since 2009 he is working with various international intergovernmental organizations and Project Implementation Groups of energy and environmental protection sectors. Based in Dushanbe, Tajikistan he is a member of the Secretariat of the National Accredited Entity at the Green Climate Fund.

He has MSc in Engineering (Tajik Technical University, Tajikistan) and MSc in Environmental Protection Management (Dresden Technical University, Germany).

Mr. Solijon Mirzoev is a distinguished figure hailing from Tajikistan, recognized for his exceptional leadership in environmental management and sustainable development. With a wealth of experience in managing different initiatives, he has served as the Project Coordinator for RESILAND at the Committee of Environmental Protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan. Through his expertise and strategic insights, Mr. Mirzoev has successfully implemented schemes to enhance resilience, address environmental challenges, and promote a sustainable future for Tajikistan. 

Mr. Abduvokhid Zakhadullaev is a highly accomplished professional from Uzbekistan, known for his significant contributions to sustainable forestry practices and biodiversity conservation. As the Head of the Department for International Relations at the Forestry Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan, he has successfully fostered international collaborations and implemented strategies to safeguard Uzbekistan's forest ecosystems and natural resources. Through his expertise and leadership, Mr. Zakhadullaev has played a pivotal role in promoting sustainable land management and protecting the country's valuable natural resources for future generations

Public Finance, Panelist

Kai Kaiser is Senior Governance and Public Sector Specialist in the Europe and Central Asia (ECA) region, currently based in Vienna, where his engagement is focused primarily on issues of public finance and public sector governance reform. He has also been based in Vietnam, the Philippines, and Indonesia. Previously he was Senior Economist at the (global) Public Sector and Governance Group, Poverty Reduction and Economic Management (PREM), in Washington, DC, with a focus on issues of public finance, inter-governmental relations, natural resource-led development, and applied political economy/institutional reform issues. He takes a keen interest in how digital technologies can make a tangible difference in addressing governance challenges for improved service delivery and public infrastructure investments, including through climate change.

Olga Andreeva, PhD Programme Officer, Scientific Affairs Science, Technology and Innovation Unit, UNCCD

Initial background is Soil Science, a Master’s degree with Excellence in Soil Science was obtained in Moscow State Lomonosov University in 1998 followed by a PhD in Biology Sciences in Moscow State Lomonosov University in 2002. Since 2016 became the LDN Target Setting Programme country consultant for Russia. In 2017 joined the Institute of Geography of Russian Academy of Sciences where took an active part in the development and organization of the Science and Technology Centre to Combat Desertification and Droughts. Contributed to the Global Land Outlook Northeast Asia Thematic Report: Partnerships to Achieve Land Degradation Neutrality. Participated in collecting and analyzing indicator data for UNCCD national reports, the development of the LDN and SLM concepts from the perspective of science and implementation. Olga Andreeva has experience in collaboration with WOCAT, FAO GSP, DLDD NEAN, G20 landrelated initiatives. Member of the author team of the Study on land degradation, migration and climate change nexus in Central Asia (2023). The author of about 30 peer-reviewed scientific publications. Joined the Science, Technology and Innovation Unit, UNCCD in the beginning of 2023

Ms. Nailia Timerkhanova (Mustaeva) has 15 years of professional experience in climate change and sustainable development. She has been working with UNDP, CAREC and UNEP on climate resilience, transparency and climate reporting under the UNFCCC in all five countries of Central Asia. At present, she cooperates with ICAT/CAREC and UNEP-CCC on regional and global initiatives on capacity building for transparency in Central Asia and the Caucasus.

Dr. Shavkat Rakhmatullaev holds a PhD on environmental sciences/hydrology from University of Bordeaux (France) and bachelor’s degree on watershed science from the Colorado State University (USA). He works as a water management specialist with the World Bank country office in Uzbekistan. Previously he worked for several international development organizations in areas of water resources management, water supply and sanitation and environmental sciences across the Central Asia region. He has numerous research and policy international publications.

Verena Lucia Schaidreiter is a Water Supply and Sanitation Specialist at the World Bank, working in the Water Global Practice for the Europe and Central Asia Region. She joined the Bank in 2018 as a Junior Professional Officer, and since then has been working on operations, advisory services and analytics on water supply and sanitation, water resources management and irrigation in Turkey and Central Asia. Prior to joining the Bank, Verena worked as Advisor for Water and Sanitation at the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), overseeing ADA’s water portfolio in Eastern Africa and the Danube Region. She also worked as a Design Consultant in integrated urban water management with the Inter-American Development Bank in Argentina and as a Water Engineer in rural water supply with a non-profit organization in El Salvador, Central America. She holds a M.Sc. in Water Management and Engineering from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Vienna, Austria.

Speaker at Circular Economy Parallel Session and Air quality Parallel Session

Kirtan Sahoo is an energy, environment and climate change specialist with more than 20 years of professional experience. Presently, he is the Portfolio Lead for the Results Based Finance Team in the Climate and Carbon Finance Unit of the World Bank. He has worked on energy, environment and climate change cross-cutting issues in several countries in South Asia, Africa and East Asia regions, at the World Bank. His focus in the past few years has been on developing and analyzing innovative business models in the area of energy access involving private sector and climate finance. Prior to joining the Bank in January, 2004, he was working in the Environment Management and Decentralized Infrastructure Unit of Infrastructure Development Finance Company (IDFC) in India, a company that financed infrastructure projects, primarily developed by the private sector. He holds M.Tech degree from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India, and was a Senior Research Fellow at Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. He also studied Environmental Management at the University of Manchester as a British Chevening Fellow.

Katherine is the focal point for UNEP’s air quality portfolio in the Central Asia region. She oversees work around five key pillars: expanding air quality data and data availability, assessments of air quality, capacity building among government and civil society, support for legislative reform, and development partner coordination. Katherine has around 15 years’ experience working on air quality, climate, and energy issues in Central Asia, the Middle East and Caucasus. Katherine holds a Bachelors degree in Science and a Masters degree in Environmental Policy and Law. She is based in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.

Arno Behrens is a Senior Environmental Economist in the Environment, Natural Resources and Blue Economy Global Practice of the World Bank’s Europe and Central Asia (ECA) Region. He is co-author of the World Bank report “Squaring the Circle: Policies from Europe’s Circular Economy Transition”, as well as of a series of national circular economy reports across the ECA region. For over 20 years he has been working primarily on circular economy, green growth, climate change, and energy transition. Before joining the World Bank, Arno worked for UNDP, OSCE, UNIDO, the German Federal Foreign Office, and the European Commission. For over 10 years he worked as Head of Energy and Sustainable Resources at the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) in Brussels, Belgium. He is also visiting professor at LUISS University in Rome, Italy, teaching environmental and energy policy. Arno holds a PhD and an MA in environmental economics. 

Mr. Umarjon Abdullayev is a Chief Specialist, Head of Unit for Solid Waste Management at the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Between 2017-2022, he held the position of the Head of the Department of Solid Waste Management at the State Committee for Ecology and Environmental Protection.

Speaker at the Climate Finance session

Farukh Sultonov is IFC Country Officer. Before joining IFC, he held many leading roles in consulting firms, international organizations, and private businesses in Tajikistan and the Russian Federation. His primary areas of expertise are finance, reporting, and project structuring, which he has developed through his experience working as a finance controller at Johnson and Johnson, as a finance and investments manager at CDH Investments in Tajikistan, as a finance controller at Johnson and Johnson (Moscow, Russian Federation), and as a PPPs expert at the State Committee of Investment and the State Property Management of Tajikistan.

Oleg is Senior Programme Manager and coordinates the development and implementation of  ICAT’s strategies and regional and country projects.

Oleg brings to ICAT more than 15 years of hands-on experience in climate finance, MRV, and carbon markets. Prior to ICAT, he managed climate finance accounting and reporting at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). Previously Oleg developed the carbon markets regulatory framework at the UNFCCC secretariat and provided climate change consultancy services in Ukraine.   

Oleg holds a degree in nuclear engineering from the Ukrainian National Technical University. He is based in ICAT’s Bonn office in Germany."

Oleg Guchgeldiyev, a professional with broad experience in climate change, environmental strategic planning and biodiversity conservation, from April 2018 leading FAO Representation Office in Tajikistan.

Guchgeldiyev, a national of Turkmenistan, joined FAO in 2016 as regional coordinator for development of a large-scale project for Central Asian countries and Turkey on sustainable land management. In 2017 he continued to coordinate the inception phase of the project and also worked in various aspects of climate change, from the development of relevant components of regional and national strategies to the development of project ideas for climate finance.

Before joining FAO, Guchgeldiyev worked with various donor and international development agencies, including the World Bank, the United Nations Development Programme, the United Nations Environment Programme, the German Agency for International Cooperation, and the European Union’s Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States programme.

He served his country in developing the Public Civil Service System and in coordinating the implementation of a private agriculture development in northern Turkmenistan, among other development projects. He has broad experience in Central Asia and the Caspian Sea Region, and his technical experience includes the economic valuation of ecosystem services, capacity building, and strategic development. He holds a master’s degree in public economic management.

FAO’s activities in Tajikistan – where agriculture is a key sector of the economy – are concerned with food security and nutrition through the development and implementation of national food security policies, the sustainable management of natural resources and improved resilience to climate change, and the improvement of sustainable agricultural productivity and competitiveness, among other efforts

Evetta Zenina, a specialist with broad experience in climate change, natural resources and sustainable management, from January 2019 taking up duties as Natural Resources Officer (Climate Change) in subregional office of FAO (Turkiye and Central Asia).  She is technically supporting countries of the region in the area of climate change and sustainable management of land and water, disaster risk reduction (DRR) to respond to the challenges posed by climate change and to implement and deliver on their climate commitments under the Paris Agreement.

She has expertise on managing the projects on   sustainable and resilient agrifood systems that provide a variety of solutions that respond to the climate crisis challenges and contribute to restoring degraded natural and managed ecosystems. Through the research, preparation of publications and supporting tool and methodologies development, she tailors and pilots good practices and innovative solutions, in the diverse range of regional, country and community to transform agrifood systems, policies supported by sustainable governance and appropriate legal and institutional frameworks.

Evetta holds Masters degrees in Economics from the Lomonosov Moscow State University and Sustainable Natural Resources Management from the Humboldt University of Berlin. She was also engaged as an Intern at Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and wrote her master thesis there with the research focus on the global agricultural efficiency respective to the GHG emissions by applying quantitative analysis, qualitative methodologies and data collection methods.

Before joining FAO, Evetta worked in United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), in the Chemicals and Health Branch in Geneva. She supported the management of the Special Programme projects on Institutional Strengthening (Basel, Rotterdam, Stockholm and Minamata Conventions related projects) with developing, least developed countries and economies in transition. Also, she is the co-author of several publications. 

Jane Ebinger is Sector Leader for Sustainable Development, Central Asia, World Bank. Jane joined the Central Asia team as Sector Leader in September 2020. Prior to this, she held various positions at the Bank focusing on energy, climate change, and sustainability issues, including: Program Leader for Sustainable Development and Infrastructure for Afghanistan; Director of Policy at Sustainable Energy for All (external assignment); Chief Technical Specialist on climate change; Manager for Climate Change Policy; Thematic Coordinator for Climate Change in the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program; and various operational assignments in Europe and Central Asia focused on energy, environment, and carbon finance. Prior to joining the World Bank, Ms. Ebinger worked in the oil and gas industry for BP and BHP Billiton covering environment management, safety and risk assessment, and oil spill/ emergency response. She holds an MA Mathematics and an MSc in Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis from Oxford University.

Manuel Berlengiero is a Lead Energy Specialist and Program Coordinator for Central Asia at the World Bank, overseeing the World Bank energy program across Central Asia. Manuel comes with more than 17 years of experience in the energy and climate change sectors, having worked on the nexus between decarbonization, regional interconnectivity and market reforms in more than 20 low, middle and high-income countries. Since joining the World Bank, he has led programs and projects across Africa, Europe and Central Asia on various energy issues, including regional markets development and electricity trade, sector reforms, development of low carbon and renewable energy resources, energy access and the energy-fragility nexus. Before joining the World Bank, Manuel worked as consultant in London advising donors, governments, and international companies on development of energy and extractives projects in various regions. Manuel holds a Ph.D. from the University of Genova, Italy, and a MSc from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), UK.r

Paola Agostini is the Lead Natural Resources Management Specialist in the World Bank’s Europe and Central Asia Region Environment, Natural Resources, and Blue Economy Global Practice. She leads programs and projects in Central Asia that help reverse land degradation and increase resilience of people, ecosystems, and infrastructures. She also works in the Black Sea region on a program to reduce pollution and increase resilience to climate change. Paola is also coordinating the ECCA30 partnership to restore 30 million hectares of degraded landscapes in Europe, the Caucasus, and Central Asia by 2030.

Previously, she was the Global Lead for Forests, Landscapes, and Ecosystems, working to improve connectivity of Protected Areas, forests, agroforestry, Rangeland, and agriculture land for increased productivity. Paola coordinated TerrAfrica, a regional partnership program in over 26 Sub-Saharan countries that works to promote Sustainable Land and Water Management to reduce poverty, improve livelihoods, and encourage resilient landscapes development.

She also served as the coordinator for the GEF Program in Latin America and Africa overseeing a portfolio of over 100 projects focused on Climate Change, Biodiversity, Land Degradation, Chemicals, and International Waters.

She holds a PhD in Economics from the University of California San Diego and a master’s degree in Economic and Social Sciences from Universita Bocconi, Milan, Italy.

Born – January 1, 1962, in Gancha (currently Devashtich, Sogdiysk Oblast), Tajik.

Graduated from the Tajik Agricultural Institute in 1983 with a degree in agronomy.

In 1983 started working as a senior agrotechnician of the Leninabad State Farm of the Zafarobod district.
Between 1986 and 1992 worked first as the Second and then the First Secretary of the Komsomol Committee of the Zafarobod district.
1992 and 2002 - Deputy Director and then Director of the Shirin State Farm (later, a production co-operative) of the same district.
2002 – 2008 – Chairman of the Shukhrat Dekhan Association and Head of the Association of Water Users of the district, where he was born.

2008-2011 – Head of the Department of Agriculture of the Zafarobod district.

2011-2014 – Chairman of the Jamoat of the town of Mekhnatobod.

2014 – 2015 – First Deputy Chairman of the Zafarobod district.

Feb. 27, 2015 – 2016 – Deputy Head of the Sogdiysk Oblast

2016 – Feb. 2018 – Head of the Zafarobod District

Feb. 2, 2018 – 2019 – First Deputy Chairman of the Sogdiysk Oblast

2019 – Nov. 4, 2020 – Head of the Devashtich district

Nov. 4, 2020 – Jan. 26, 2022 – Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Tajikistan

Jan. 26, 2022 – present – Vice Prime-Minister of the RT

Aleksey KOKORIN. Presentation “Development Prospects of UNFCCC Talks (from COP27 to COP28 and Subsequent Conferences of the Parties)” PDF pdf-icon
Evetta ZENINA. Presentation “Leveraging regional collaboration in a changing global policy environment” - Parallel Session B.4: Climate transparency, reporting and verification PDF pdf-icon
Nailia TIMERKHANOVA. Presentation "Regional and global initiatives on transparency in Central Asia and the Caucasus" - Parallel Session B.4: Climate transparency, reporting and verification PDF pdf-icon
Iskandar ABDULLAEV. Presentation “Panel Discussion 3: Climate Financing: Needs and Opportunities” - Panel Discussion 3: Climate Financing: Needs and Opportunities PDF pdf-icon
Jane EBINGER. Presentation “Transformative Climate Finance for Central Asia” - Panel Discussion 3: Climate Financing: Needs and Opportunities PDF pdf-icon
Winston YU. Presentation “Climate and Development. Insights from Global Experience with CCDRs” – Opening Plenary: Climate Change and Development in Central Asia PDF pdf-icon
UNDP. Presentation “Climate Change and Resilience in Central Asia” – Parallel Session C2: Building Climate Resilience on local level PDF pdf-icon
WFP. Presentation “Building climate resilience of vulnerable and food insecure communities” - Parallel Session C2: Building Climate Resilience on local level PDF pdf-icon
WB. Presentation “Enhancing Cooperation for Shared Hydraulic Infrastructure in Central Asia” – Parallel session A.1: Water Security PDF pdf-icon
KHAIRY AL-JAMAL. “Energy Efficiency in Water Utilities” - Parallel session A.1: Water Security PDF pdf-icon
CAWEP. Presentation “CAWEP: Water Security Activities” - Parallel session A.1: Water Security PDF pdf-icon
CAWEP. Presentation “Central Asia Knowledge Network under Facilitation of Regional Dialogue and Development Partnerships” - Parallel session A.1: Water Security PDF pdf-icon
Ilgiz KAMBAROV. Presentation “The Initiative to Unite the Forces of the Society of Kyrgyzstan for Implementing the Principles of a Green Economy and Sustainable Development in the Country” - Panel Session 3: Climate financing: needs and opportunities PDF pdf-icon
Turakul MURODOV. Presentation Committee for Environmental Protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan - Panel discussion 1: National policies, strategies and programs on climate change mitigation and adaptation PDF pdf-icon
Charyjar CHETIEV. Presentation of the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan - Panel discussion 1: National policies, strategies and programs on climate change mitigation and adaptation PDF pdf-icon
Svetlana MOGILYUK. Presentation “Regional Climate Network of Civil Society Organizations in Central Asia (RCC CA)” – Panel Session 2: PDF pdf-icon
Oleg BULANYI. Presentation “Initiative for Climate Action Transparency (ICAT)” - Opening Plenary: Climate Change and Development in Central Asia PDF pdf-icon
Committee for Environmental Protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan. Presentation “Program for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation in the Aral Sea Basin, additional funding CAMP4ASB-AF Project” - Parallel session C.2: Building C PDF pdf-icon
CAWEP. Presentation “CAWEP: Water Security Activities” – Parallel Session A 1: Water Security PDF pdf-icon
Paola AGOSTINI. Presentation “Valuing Green Infrastructure: Case Study of Naryn River Basin Kyrgyz Republic and Vakhsh Watershed, Tajikistan” - Parallel Session A 1: Water Security PDF pdf-icon
Verena SCHAIDREITER. Presentation “Harnessing Satellite Data to Improve Irrigation Performance” - Parallel Session A 1: Water Security PDF pdf-icon
KHAIRY AL-JAMAL. Presentation “Energy Efficiency in Water Utilities” - Parallel Session A 1: Water Security PDF pdf-icon
WB. Presentation “Strengthening Groundwater Management in Central Asia” - Parallel Session A 1: Water Security PDF pdf-icon
Amjad KHAN. Presentation “Water-Energy Nexus” - Parallel Session A 1: Water Security PDF pdf-icon
Tatyana LEONOVA. Presentation “Central Asia Knowledge Network under Facilitation of Regional Dialogue and Development Partnerships” - Parallel Session A 1: Water Security PDF pdf-icon
Firuz IBROHIMOV, Azamat KAUAZOV. Presentation “CACIP is a modern information platform for increasing the efficiency of regional knowledge exchange” - Panel Session 2: Leveraging regional collaboration in a changing global policy environment PDF pdf-icon
DKU. Presentation “Central Asian Journal of Sustainability and Climate Research” – Parallel Session A.4: Youth Session: Connecting Policy, Activism and Science PDF pdf-icon
Paola RIDOLFI. Presentation “Global Environment Facility (GEF) Climate Financing Central Asia” - Panel Session 3: Climate financing: needs and opportunities PDF pdf-icon
Rupa MUKERJI. Presentation “Key insights from the ipcc 6th assessment report“ - Panel Session 2: Leveraging regional collaboration in a changing global policy environment PDF pdf-icon
Olga ANDREEVA. Presentation “Land Degradation Neutrality in Central Asia” - Parallel Session B.2: Landscape Restoration for Climate Resilience in Central Asia PDF pdf-icon
Paola AGOSTINI. Presentation “Central Asia: Regional Resilient Landscapes Restoration Program (RESILAND CA+)” - Parallel Session B.2: Landscape Restoration for Climate Resilience in Central Asia PDF pdf-icon
Viktor NOVIKOV. Presentation “Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund” - Parallel Session B.2: Landscape Restoration for Climate Resilience in Central Asia PDF pdf-icon
Ximena FRANCO. Presentation “Circular Economy in the Context of Changing Climate and Green Transition” - Parallel Session B.1: Circular Economy PDF pdf-icon
Arno BEHRENS. Presentation “Circular Economy as an Opportunity for Central Asia” - Parallel Session B.1: Circular Economy PDF pdf-icon
Rajat BATRA REAP Presentation “Views from the private sector The Circular Economy: A new Development Paradigm for Central Asia? “ - Parallel Session B.1: Circular Economy PDF pdf-icon
Abror GAFUROV. Presentation “Enhancing snow accumulation and snowmelt monitoring in Central Asia using MODSNOW” – Parallel Session A.1: Water Security PDF pdf-icon
Grzegorz PESZKO. Presentation “Air Pollution and Climate Change” - Parallel Session C.1: Air pollution, health, and climate change PDF pdf-icon
WB. Presentation “Air Quality Analysis for Bishkek: PM2.5 source apportionment and emission reduction measures” - Parallel Session C.1: Air pollution, health, and climate change PDF pdf-icon
Katherine HALL. Presentation “Regional Cooperation for Clean Air: Opportunities and Challenges in Central Asia” - Parallel Session C.1: Air pollution, health, and climate change PDF pdf-icon
Dmitry PETRIN. Presentation «CAWEP 4 new horizons - Collaborative Program Supporting Integrated, Sustainable Development of Water & Energy in Central Asia» - Parallel Session B.3: WEF Nexus Next Steps PDF pdf-icon
Takayoshi KATO. Presentation « Water, Energy and Land-use Nexus in Central Asia. The project’s engagement to push forward the Nexus approach: proposed scope» - Parallel Session B.3: WEF Nexus Next Steps PDF pdf-icon
Tobias SIEGFRIED. Presentation "Hot and Wet Central Asia" - Parallel Session C.3: Climate Change impacts on transboundary water resources from source to sea PDF pdf-icon