Regional Climate Action Transparency Hub for Central Asia (ReCATH)


Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan
Funding sources
Initiative for Climate Action Transparency (ICAT)
$ 991,654
November 2021 – November 2024
Thematic area
Transparency in climate action, UNFCCC reporting, measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) systems, calculation of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG)
General information

This project is an implementation of the Climate Action Transparency Initiative (ICAT), which supports countries in developing their capacity to create and manage a robust transparent framework that enables them to effectively implement the Paris Agreement. To this end, ICAT has created a toolkit with methodologies and transparency modeling tools that can be adapted to country needs. Activities include direct country support and the establishment of regional support centers and networks such as the Climate Action Transparency Center for Central Asia.


Capacity building and networking in the region to support countries in the region in their efforts to improve/build sustainable and comprehensive climate action transparency (monitoring, reporting, and verification/transparency) systems that enable them to adequately support their national climate action decision-making processes and policymakers, reach out to investors and other stakeholders in the implementation of climate change mitigation and adaptation measures, and meet their reporting requirements under the Paris Agreement through the Regional Climate Action Transparency Hub in Central Asia (ReCATH).


●    Increased transparency of climate change action in supported countries, allowing policy change and improved accountability to the UNFCCC.

●    Raising awareness of the benefits of increased transparency will encourage them to invest in data systems, by increasing the expert and institutional capacity in the region to increase openness to enhance the ability of Central Asian countries to effectively participate in the Paris Agreement (policy assessment, fundraising, greenhouse gas inventory, implementation and further development of NDC), preparation of draft regulatory documents);

●    Making the ICAT toolbox available and widely available to countries in the Central Asian region, including methodologies and supporting networks that countries can use for their transparency efforts and further development, taking into account the specific needs and priorities of the countries of the region and the region as a whole.

●    Facilitate resource mobilization for climate action in Central Asia.


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Review of strategic documents of CA countries under UNFCCC reporting PDF pdf-icon
Stakeholder Mapping on Climate Transparency PDF pdf-icon
Climate change related publications in Central Asia PDF pdf-icon
Climate change projects in Central Asia PDF pdf-icon
Work Plan for the Regional Climate Action Transparency Hub in Central Asia (RECATH) PDF pdf-icon
Project Fact Sheet PDF pdf-icon
Gaps and Needs Analysis PDF pdf-icon
Improving the climate transparency systems in Central Asia PDF pdf-icon
B1 Central Asia’s Readiness in Developing First Biennial Transparency Reports (BTR) under Enhanced Transparency Frameworks of the Paris Agreement__ Yvette Zenina_ENG PDF pdf-icon
NDC Partnership_Transparency_B1 Central Asia’s Readiness in Developing First Biennial Transparency Reports (BTR) under Enhanced Transparency Frameworks of the Paris Agreement__ Deo Gabinette _ENG_ENG PDF pdf-icon
ReCATH/CBIT_addressing gaps and needs in BTR in CA_B1 Central Asia’s Readiness in Developing First Biennial Transparency Reports (BTR) under Enhanced Transparency Frameworks of the Paris Agreement__ Nailia Timerkhanova_RUS PDF pdf-icon

Activities planned as part of the project:

For successful implementation of actions planned in the process of establishing the Regional Climate Action Transparency Hub for Central Asia, there will be created the Regional Steering Committee ( RSC), including the UNFCCC focal points in the CA countries, as well as representatives of hydrometeorological services and relevant agencies involved in climate issues in the countries.

During the first phase of the project, the technical partners - GHGMI (THE GREENHOUSE GAS MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE) will be prepared the regional gaps and needs analysis, covering the most important issues in the field of adaptation, mitigation, climate finance, reporting under the Paris Agreement. Based on this analysis and on the decision of the RSC the issues relevant for all participating countries will be identified and addressed through capacity building trainings prepared on the basis of the international methodologies developed by ICAT and best practices provided by GHGMI.

Project components:

Phase 1:

1.1   MRV/transparency gap and needs analysis for the countries of the CA Region.

1.2   Stakeholder and Key Actors Analysis (UNFCCC reporting, GHG emissions measurement, policy impact assessment)

1.3   Analysis of the international programs to support climate action

Phase 2:

2.1 Developing a program of trainings and training courses for the expert community

2.2 Conducting training sessions and summer school on the issues identified in the gap analysis

2.4 Capacity building of countries in the field of MRV, through training of experts in the field of climate action

Phase 3:

3.1   Creating and maintaining the center

3.2   Reporting

Expected results and project effects:

1. A Regional Coordinating Committee (RCC) was established to facilitate and promote the regional platform and execution of the project;

2. Assessment and identification of key needs in terms of transparency;

3. Establishment of the Regional Climate Action Transparency Hub for Central Asia for coordinating and effective work and accelerating the development of regional competence in the region;

4. Conducted a series of online/offline training events on ICAT tools and methodologies and development of the training for trainers for future capacity building of local experts;

5. Institutional and expert capacity building of stakeholders in monitoring, reporting and transparency;

6. Supported mobilization of resources for climate actions in Central Asia.

Наименование события Дата проведения Место проведения
Launch of the Regional Climate Action Transparency Hub for Central Asia 10 November 2021 COP-26, Glasgow, Scotland
First meeting of the Regional Steering Committee 10 November 2021 COP-26, Glasgow, Scotland
First meeting of the Regional Climate Action Transparency Hub for Central Asia 13 April 2022 Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
National Consultation on the Gap and Needs Analysis 06 September 2022
ReCATH Inception Workshop 19 September 2022 Almaty, Kazakhstan
Regional cooperation on climate action transparency in the Central Asian region" 11 November 2022 Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt
Meeting to strengthen cooperation with key international partners 31 January 2023
European Union - Central Asia High level conference (EU-CA HLC) 22 February 2023
Workshop on data transparency in inventory in Tashkent. 27 February 2023
Workshop on data transparency in forecasting in Dushanbe. 15 May 2023
Technical Working Group Meeting on Adaptation in Bishkek 13 July 2023
NDC Tracking Workshop in Almaty in collaboration with CBIT 25 July 2023
Online TWG meeting on GHG Inventory 08 August 2023
Online TWG meeting on GHG inventory 05 September 2023
Online webinar on GHG inventory 15 September 2023
Training workshop on data transparency in GHG inventories in Istanbul 25 September 2023
Data Transparency Training Workshop on Adaptation in Ashgabat 09 October 2023
COP 28 in Dubai 01 December 2023
Workshop on Climate Finance + Technical working group meeting 11 March 2024 Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Webinars and workshop on reporting in adaptation (GIZ methodology, Best practices, ICAT tool) + Technical working group meeting 26 June 2024 Bishkek
Practical training on LEAP and GACMO 03 July 2024 Dushanbe
Summer academy (2 weeks) + Technical working group meeting 22 July 2024 TBC
Workshop on GHG inventory and Emission Trading System (ETS) from experts from Kazakhstan 13 August 2024 Ashgabat(TBC)
Final conference 03 October 2024 TBC

CAREC - overall project management and reporting on the project, reporting to the donor on the progress of the project.

Greenhouse Gas Management Institute (GHGMI) - acting as consultant for the ReCATH and participating countries. GHGMI will also provide training and technical support.

ICAT (Climate Action Transparency Initiative) - project donor

Makhmudov Zafar Khakimovich – Executive Director, CAREC (

Syzdykova Raushan - ReCATH Project Manager (

Kravtsova Oxana - ReCATH Project Specialist (