What is ICAT?

Publication date: 20 February 2022
What is ICAT?

ICAT – Initiative for Climate Action Transparancy – is a multi-stakeholder partnership with multiple funding sources, including GIZ, CIFF, Climateworks Foundation et al. The Initiative aims to provide technical support,  transparency tools and methodologies for developing countries.

In order to create a reliable and sustainable environment, to effectively achieve their NDC objectives, to design and implement strong policies and actions to address climate change countries must develop robust data frameworks to be able to provide sound and just information, conduct reliable analysis and asses their impacts.

To this end, ICAT, in collaboration with different international partners, has developed an open-source toolsets and methodologies to provide effective support to the transparency efforts of countries around the world.

All the offered toolboxes you may find here: https://climateactiontransparency.org/our-work/icat-toolbox/

In addition to the technical support provided through these tools, ICAT is also developing a knowledge hub to provide access to lessons learned, resources and best practices that are the result of a network of partner countries, regional centers and implementing partners.

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