Nexus Bulletin № 1, 2019

This bulletin is a collection of short articles that allow the reader to get acquainted with the concept of the “Water, Energy, Food Security Nexus”. 
The bulletin was prepared within the framework of the EU-funded Project "Central Asia Nexus Dialogue Project: Fostering Water, Energy, and Food (WEF) Security Nexus Dialogue and Multi-Sector Investment" (Nexus dialogue in Central Asia Project).
Through the eyes of local and international experts, the bulletin presents the WEF Security Nexus approach holistically, starting from its theoretical concept to practical application at different levels and scale, aimed at achieving multi-sectoral win-win solutions. 
The bulletin also presents different activities that helped the project’s stakeholders to understand and apply the Nexus approach. IUCN experts offer their recommendations on this topic. 
A review of the investment portfolio of WEF Nexus project ideas, developed as part of a multisectoral and transboundary dialogue, culminates the document.
The Nexus project team expresses its gratitude to its readers and hopes to continue the cooperation to achieve the WEF Security in Central Asia.

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