

Water cooperation in Central Asia: experience, benefits and further development

... Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) with support from the Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia and Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers. The event was held within the Swiss Initiative “Blue Peace Central Asia” and it is a logical continuation of previous events organized by Swiss partners on strengthening the dialogue on water cooperation in Central Asia. The opening speeches were given by the Minister of Water Resources of the Republic ...

Modified: 26.11.2018
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Korea and Central Asia strengthen cooperation

... water resources are crucial for socio-economic development. Together with the development partners, a number of water management projects are already being implemented in the region: Water diplomacy and cooperation: the EU process, Berlin (Germany) and Blue Peace (Switzerland); Improving water infrastructure: World Bank, ADB, EBRD; Water management at the basin level: EU, UNDP, USAID; Opportunities and institutional support: EU, USAID, World Bank. The Executive Director of CAREC Dr Iskandar Abdullaev presented ...

Modified: 14.11.2018
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Transboundary water cooperation discussed at the Astana Economic Forum

... panel session, the issues of stimulating transboundary water cooperation, new forms of application of the international water law for the rational management of water resources were discussed. Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan; the Blue Peace initiative, which is supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation; as well as the International Water Assessment Centre were the organizers of the session. Among the participants are representatives of state bodies; scientific organizations; ...

Modified: 22.05.2018
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Delegation from the Central Asia studied the experience of water cooperation in the Senegal River Basin

Within the Blue Peace Central Asia High-Level Dialogue Platform, representatives of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Water Ministries of Central Asian countries took part in a working visit to study the experience of the Senegal River Basin Development Authority ...

Modified: 21.05.2018
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High Level Dialogue Platform Secretariat Blue Peace Central Asia

Modified: 01.04.2018
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Three main questions you need to ask about the Blue Peace Central Asia – a talk with Dr André Wehrli

... were pleased to present a small talk with Switzerland’s Regional Water Advisor for Central Asia. June of the outgoing year was marked by the launch of a Swiss initiative that sets a new course for cross-border water cooperation in the region: The Blue Peace Central Asia initiative. It has been launched on the margins of the World Expo in Astana with participation of high level decisions makers. Under this initiative, Switzerland through its Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation ( SDC ) aims ...

Modified: 09.01.2018
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CAREC participated in the International Conference on Water Cooperation in Central Asia

... change, increasing inter-sectoral competition for water. Another important information was given on the published joint study conducted by CAREC and adelphi, funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) within the framework of the Blue Peace Central Asia Initiative. “Rethinking Water in Central Asia: The costs of inaction and benefits of water cooperation” demonstrates the price of inaction and benefits of cooperation in the field of water management between the countries of the ...

Modified: 28.11.2017
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Rethinking Water in Central Asia: The costs of inaction and benefits of water cooperation

... Central Asia: The costs of inaction and benefits of water cooperation Rethinking Water in Central Asia: The costs of inaction and benefits of water cooperation A joint study conducted by CAREC and adelphi within th e framework of the Switzerland’s Blue Peace Central Asia Initiative is published. The publication demonstrates the cost of inaction and benefits of cooperation in the field of water management between the countries of the region. Pohl, Benjamin; Annika Kramer, William Hull, Sabine Blumstein,...

Modified: 23.11.2017
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News on the World Water Week - seminar on water diplomacy

... of this initiative and are making their contributions to cross-border cooperation through bilateral agreements. Speaking about Central Asia, Dr. Abdullaev made a presentation on a joint study conducted by CAREC and adelphi within the framework of the Blue Peace Central Asia initiative. The study demonstrates the price of inaction and benefits of cooperation in the field of water management between the countries of the region. The costs of insufficient cooperation are already significant today and risk ...

Modified: 30.08.2017
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Blue Peace Central Asia: focus on water management issues in the region

Blue Peace Central Asia: focus on water management issues in the region Blue Peace Central Asia: focus on water management issues in the region June 18-20, 2017, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) organized a conference on transboundary ...

Modified: 22.06.2017
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Rethinking water in Central Asia: the costs of inaction and benefits of water cooperation

A joint study conducted by CAREC and adelphi within the framework of the Switzerland’s Blue Peace Central Asia Initiative is published. The publication demonstrates the cost of inaction and benefits of cooperation in the field of water management between the countries of the region.entral Asia is witnessing intense competition over water resources ...

Modified: 01.01.2017
Path: Main Page / Carec Knowledge Hub

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