Tashkent hosted the fifth meeting of the regional organizations
September 4-5, 2017, Tashkent hosted the fifth meeting of the regional organizations involved in sustainable development and water resources management in Central Asia. The meeting was organized by CAREC and Scientific Information Centre of the Interstate Coordination Water Commission of Central Asia (SIC ICWC) with the support of the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) under the project "Strengthening capacities of regional, national and local level institutions and sustaining the experiences gained in the previous phases".
Participants Representatives of the Executive Directorate of the International Fund for Saving Aral Sea in Kazakhstan, the Regional Hydrology Center, the Syrdarya and Amudarya River Basin Organizations, the Regional Mountain Center for Central Asia, the Regional Center for Renewable Energy, the Central Asian Institute of Applied Research, National Water Partnership of Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, GIZ and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe.
The main goal of the event is to discuss the mechanisms of interaction between regional organizations and with key stakeholders in the light of promoting integrated water resources management and sustainable development. Particular attention was paid to the issues of strengthening the capacity of regional and national organizations, including programs to improve the skills of water and related sectors in the countries of Central Asia.
Participants also discussed the results of the needs assessment and opportunities of regional organizations in mutual learning and exchange of knowledge and experience conducted in the framework of EU and CAREC project "Promoting dialogue to prevent disagreement on issues related to the management of water NEXUS in Central Asia" (CAWECOOP). In addition, participants will share the results of joint projects to improve coordination of activities.
CAREC at the meeting presented its experience on working with media, experience of implementation of projects aimed at implementing IWRM, the results of the Needs Assessment on Capacity Building in Central Asia, which held under the Smart waters project.
In these days in Tashkent CAREC within CAWECOOP project is supporting the meeting of the two working ICWC groups for the implementation of the "Plan of gain ICWC activity": the working group on "Strengthening the capacity of regional and national organizations" and the working group on "Implementation of IWRM as a tool for green development and adaptation to climate change ".
Reference: CAREC within GIZ TWRM CA program from 2015 supports the holding of regular meetings of regional organizations. The main goal of this activity is to provide a platform for closer interaction of regional organizations, ensure coordination of their activities, and promote joint initiatives of the RO.
For more information, please contact Ziganshina D.R. dinara.ziganshina@gmail.com and Sultanov A. tsultanov@carececo.org