CAREC attended the ICSD meeting
On 26 may 2016 – CAREC attended the meeting of the Interstate Commission on Sustainable Development of the International Fund for saving the Aral Sea in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan where CAREC’s activities received strong endorsements by all participants which is another evidence for that CAREC is on the right path.
The endorsements have been formally stated in the decision №7 of the commission «About the Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia» through following points:
1. Highlight of CAREC’s activities in matters relating to protection of the environment and sustainable development in Central Asia for a period of 15 years.
2. Congratulations to CAREC team on the Anniversary and to express gratitude for the long-standing focused contribution to strengthening regional cooperation in Central Asia on sustainable development, water resources management, low-carbon development, adaptation to climate change and in training new generation of ecologists.
3. To support collaborative initiative EC IFAS, ICSD, UNEP Sub-regional office, UNECE and CAREC in organizing of the process of preparation Central Asian countries to the Eighth Ministerial Conference Environment for Europe will be held (on June 8-10, 2016 in Batumi) during the conduct of the shared regional side event «Green Economy and Sustainable development in Central Asia – achievements and forthcoming steps».
4. To take note of the CAREC initiative to submit on the Eighth Ministerial Conference Environment for Europe (June 8-10, 2016 in Batumi) the results of consultations with the Central Asian countries on the sustainable development priorities in Central Asia.
5. To endorse the cooperation activities of the SIC ISDC and CAREC within the Memorandum of Understanding.