CAREC held a round table on migration, remittances and climate resilience
On October 31, 2016, CAREC held a round table in the context of the research project on migration, remittances and climate resilience in arid and semi-arid regions of Senegal and Tajikistan, in the premises of the Committee for Environmental Protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan (CEP). The key objective of the meeting was to share the project results, introduce highlights of analytical paper and get feedback on its content and findings, as well as to inform about the semiannual plans. Participants of the round table included representatives from CEP and Ministry of Labor, Migration and Social Protection, members of the CAREC’s Executive Board and Civil and Consultative Board as well as non-governmental agencies.
Throughout the round table, project team informed the partners about the accomplishment of all project tasks. As of today, the team developed the analytical paper, which is based on a desk review study, to take a stock of all available literature on migration, remittances and climate resilience in Tajikistan, and completed the field survey of more than 500 households in research pilot sites. It is expected that the working paper will envisage the analysis and findings of the household surveys, and generate new knowledge to formulate recommendations for the sector-based development (migration, social aspects, economic resilience and climate adaptation, etc).
Key messages of the round table are the following:
- Share electronic version of the analytical paper in Russian to the project stakeholders for a more detailed review and comments.
- Develop the working paper based on household surveys by early next year (January 2017) and share its results and findings to the extended targeted group of stakeholders. Develop a summary of analytical and practical parts of the working paper for further circulation among the national stakeholders in Tajikistan.
- Learn about the findings available in Senegal and make a comparison with Tajikistan’s case; review commonalities and differences. Thus, it is important to conduct the national workshop with the involvement of the international partners in the second quarter of the next year (April 2017).
- Involve CAREC team to the internal meetings and events on migration and climate change, organized by the CEP and Ministry of Labor.
- Take into account the results of the research, which is conducted by the Academy of Science of the Republic of Tajikistan in terms of climate resilience and planting, to formulate recommendations for the sector based development (for example, private investments for climate adaptation measures).
Project reference:
The project “Migration, remittances, adaptation and resilience to climate change in arid and semi-arid regions of Senegal and Tajikistan” is one of the research packages of PRISE project. PRISE (“Pathways to Resilience in Semi-Arid Economies”) is a multi-country initiative, which will generate new knowledge during five years about how to make economic development in semi-arid regions more equitable and resilient to climate change.
PRISE is carried out under the Collaborative Adaptation Research Initiative in Africa and Asia (CARIAA), with financial support from the UK Government’s Department (DfID) and the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Canada.