CAREC and IWMI discussed coordination of PEER projects

Publication date: 25 August 2017

CAREC and IWMI discussed coordination of PEER projects

August 22, 2017, the experts of CAREC and IWMI discussed cooperation and coordination to avoid duplication and combine efforts to develop a unified approach in conducting research on the topic of studying the impact of climate change on water resources.

During the meeting CAREC presented a joint project of USAID, PEER and CAREC entitled "Study of the effect of climate change on surface water quality in the Amu Darya basin", in particular its approach and methodology of work execution analysis and evaluation of natural and anthropogenic factors influencing the water quality of the Amu Darya.

IWMI, in turn, presented the project “Implications of climate change, land use, and adaptation interventions on water resources and agricultural production in the transboundary Amu Darya River Basin”.  Various water and climate scenarios for river and assess the impact on water quality modelling were also discussed. Mainly it was agreed that both partners will use a common approach in the development of the SWAT model (Soil and Water Assessment Tool). Partners agreed to share data and regularly meet to discuss progress.


- PEER - Partnerships for Enhanced Engagement in Research is an international program that funds scientists and engineers in developing countries who collaborate with U.S. government-funded researchers to address global development challenges. The PEER program is supported by the U.S. Global Development Lab at USAID and implemented by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. The PEER program directly supports scientists in USAID-presence countries through institutional research awards.

- IWMI – International Water Management Institute

- The project “Implications of climate change, land use, and adaptation interventions on water resources and agricultural production in the transboundary Amu Darya River Basin” is realized in cooperation between IWMI and NAS, the National Academy of Sciences of the USA. The aim of the project is to assess water availability and forecast land use in light of climate change through modelling and development of scenarios at basin level.

- The project "Study of the impact of climate change on surface water quality in the Amu Darya basin" is a project executed by CAREC jointly with West Virginia University. The project is aimed at filling a knowledge gap on impact of climate change on water quality through the simulation of various scenarios of climate change and irrigation practices and water management and share results of research amongst decision makers of the sector to develop possible adaptation measures.

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