Integrated Watershed Management for Improved Agro-pastoral Livelihoods in the Ishim River Basin catchments of Kazakhstan

Funding sources
The Coca-Cola Foundation
100 000 USD
May 2023 – December 2024
Thematic area
Sustainable Agriculture and Gender Equity.
General information

The Ishim River is a vital water source for the people, agriculture, and livestock in the surrounding regions in the northern areas of Kazakhstan. However, overexploitation and irrational water uptake amidst unsustainable management practices have resulted in the depletion of water resources, leading to ecological imbalances, reduced agricultural productivity, and diminished livelihoods for local communities.

To address these challenges, the Integrated Watershed Management project seeks to enhance the sustainability and resilience of the Ishim River basin by implementing integrated watershed management approaches. By replenishing the water resources and promoting sustainable water use practices, the project will restore the ecological balance and improve the livelihoods of the communities that depend on the Ishim River.


The project objective is to sustain productive landscape and restoration through watersheds and improve agro-pastoral livelihoods communities in the Arnasay and Stepnogorsk districts in the Ishim River Basin.

Component 1. Improved landscape governance and empowered river basin management institutions.

Component 2. Sustainable land management options for degraded watershed restoration at a district's levels.

Component 3. Enhanced public and private sector investment in watershed restoration through SLM training and courses associated with value chain development