Lessons for the future: Policy Brief 01

Publication date: 26 February 2018
Author: Murat Yakubov, Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist, Smart Waters project

CAREC starts a new analytical series on issues of relevance and importance to regional policy making that emerge from its ground and research work and work of others in order to critically reflect from time to time on key accomplishments, insights, lessons and implications and hopefully provide some blueprints for further actions and strategic thinking. 

The CAREC Policy Brief is the name of the series and in our first issue, first thing this year we zoom in on transboundary water cooperation in Central Asia and the rising interest and demand in water diplomacy as the subject of our current focus and reflections. Building on the results of a project recently implemented by CAREC the policy brief looks into the history of water cooperation in the region, various efforts to support and facilitate the process, applicable research to frame and sensitize the overall discussion as well as the role and implications of the recently tested collaborative solutions and initiatives aimed at making the transboundary waters domain in Central Asia well informed, all-inclusive and centered around win-win benefit sharing.

The insights featured in this issue reflect the activities conducted within CAREC’s project “Promoting dialogue to prevent disagreement on issues related to environmental protection and management of water NEXUS in Central Asia” – CAWECOOP. This project was financed by the European Union with the aim to stimulate transboundary trust and high-level transnational political involvement in the Central Asia water nexus.

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