Nexus stories on the successful implementation of demonstration projects in Central Asia

Publication date: 14 July 2023

We are pleased to announce that, based on the results of our demonstration projects, Nexus Stories have been released by the General Nexus Secretariat (GNS). They are available on the GNS website by the following links:

1)    Afforestation of the dried bottom of the Aral Sea

2)    Transforming the challenges into opportunity: recycling the sediment to promote the transboundary cooperation and WEF security through innovative solutions – a transboundary Nexus demonstration project between Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan

3)    Ensuring the WEF security through advancing the energy efficiency at pumping stations and digitalization of the metering in the Republic of Tajikistan 

Additional information:

Ludmila Kiktenko

EMP’s Manager


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