Basin planning at the local level: seminar in Tashkent

Publication date: 12 December 2017

Basin planning at the local level: seminar in Tashkent

On December 11-12, Tashkent is hosting a training for trainers on "Basin councils and basin planning" for the representatives of the Naryn-Karadarya and Amu-Kashkadarya Basin Directorates for Irrigation Systems (BISA).

The event is organized by German Corporation for International Cooperation GmbH (GIZ) with the financial support of Component 1 within European Union (EU) Programme on “National policy framework for water governance and integrated water resources management and supplies part”.

This training is conducted within the framework of the project "Strengthening capacities in Basin Management at national and basin levels in Uzbekistan". The objective of the project is to promote the implementation of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in the Republic of Uzbekistan, at national and basin levels through the application of best practices on basin planning.

Training is conducted on the basis of "Basin Planning Handbook", developed by CAREC with the support of the TWRM CA program in 2014, and includes 4 major blocks of the development steps on basin management plans, as well as specific techniques that can be useful during the training:

• Block 1. Basic principles of integrated water resources management

• Block 2. Analysis of the situation in the investigated basin

• Block 3. Ranking problems and defining goals and objectives of the plan

• Block 4. Development of basin plan activities

Participants are offered a whole range of theoretical and practical materials as examples of developing basin plans. Also, within the training, they are going to develop a virtual basin plan for the Naryn-Karadarya and Amu-Kashkadarya BISAs.

For detailed information, please, contact Mr. Said Sharipov, Water Initiative Support Program Specialist for CAREC –



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