From September 19 to September 21, 2022 in Almaty, Kazakhstan, the inception workshop was held in a hybrid format (offline and online) with the participation of government representatives from 5 Central Asian countries involved in the project, a consortium of international, regional and national experts of the project, as well as other partners of the Regional Environmental Center for Central Asia (CAREC).
The participants of this event were updated on current activities of the project, its coordination with national initiatives, were presented a gap and needs analysis prepared by ReCATH project partners - Greenhouse Gas Management Institute GHGMI and stakeholder analysis on transparency in climate action, prepared by the project team. Also, recommendations were received from national experts of the project and representatives of ministries and agencies responsible for reporting under the Paris Agreement.
The main outcome of this event is the approval of the working plan for further project activities. The work plan was presented by the project manager Raushan Syzdykova and the regional expert of the ReCATH project Naila Timerkhanova.
The discussions on the approval of the plan were attended by representatives of the five countries participating in the project, a representative of the project donor - the ICAT Climate Action Transparency Initiative represented by the Senior Program Manager - Oleg Bulany and the technical partner of the project - the Greenhouse Gas Management Institute GHGMI represented by Dr. Oli Glade.
As Oleg Bulanyi noted: "Work (of the project) can be built on the basis of exchange of experience between the countries of the Central Asian region, which already exists. It is useful to adopt this experience from each other and develop a joint platform of expertise. This is how ReCATH will become a flagship project."
Given the close industrial, technological and economic ties of the Central Asian countries, cooperation and exchange of experiences is a key element for the region, especially in combating climate change and its effects, given the potential and opportunities offered by the Paris Agreement.
This project will adopt and implement a collaborative approach that will bring together the five states of Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan) and support national partners, technical experts and expert institutions in the region to build sustainable and integrated monitoring and transparency systems.
Also, the participants were presented with the concept of an international cooperation program within the framework of the project at an expanded level, including mitigation and MRV (measurement, reporting and verification). One of such important global partnerships and initiatives is the Paris Agreement Transparency Partnership (PATPA), the representative of the Secretariat, Ms. Roziya Kirgizbekova, presented the main areas of activity and spoke about the possibilities of cooperation.
General information about the project
The ReCATH project is an implementation of the Climate Action Transparency Initiative (ICAT), which supports countries in developing their capacity to create and manage a robust transparent framework that enables them to effectively implement the Paris Agreement. To this end, ICAT has created a toolkit with methodologies and transparency modeling tools that can be adapted to country needs. Activities include direct support to countries and the establishment of regional support centers and networks, such as the Climate Action Transparency Center for Central Asian countries.
For more information, please follow the link, or contact us directly:
Syzdykova Raushan, ReCATH Project Manager,
Email: recath_manager@carececo.org