On August 13-14, 2020, an expert online seminar was held within the framework of the SCO Platform for the exchange of environmental information, prospects for SCO cooperation in the field of environmental protection in the post-epidemic era. The SCO Platform for Cooperation was created with the aim, along with the member states, observer states and dialogue partners, to facilitate the exchange of environmental information, knowledge, experience, technologies and their applications in the region, to increase the capacity and level of countries in the field of environmental protection, to strengthen regional coordination and cooperation, joint response to environmental challenges, creation of a “green” Silk Road, promotion of regional development in an environmental way.
The Executive Director of CAREC Makhmudov Z.Kh and Director of CAREC Country Office of in Kazakhstan Toilybayeva Sh. The Executive Director of CAREC made a presentation on Strengthening the work of the CA region on SCO cooperation in the field of environmental protection and stressed that CAREC actively supports the countries of Central Asia in global climate processes, as well as in low-carbon economic growth. The key goal of such support is to maintain a sub-regional dialogue platform to explore the possibilities and formulate a joint vision of the Central Asian countries regarding the formulation and implementation of climate change policies, water cooperation, energy efficiency, and the transition to low-carbon green growth.
As a result of the seminar, a Memorandum was signed with the Center for International Environmental Cooperation of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the People's Republic of China (China Center for SCO Environmental Cooperation) (FECO) and the Regional Environmental Center for Central Asia (CAREC), the purpose of the Memorandum is to coordinate and unite efforts for effective interaction between the Parties on environmental management issues