13 CAPL: Sustainable Production and Consumption

Publication date: 03 October 2023

Sustainable consumption and production were widely covered at the REAP session at the 13th Central Asian Leadership Program on Environment for Sustainable Development (CALP) will be held in Almaty (Kazakhstan), the theme of which is: “Leaders of Central Asia - Engaging Youth in the Implementation of National Climate Change Priorities, Regional Cooperation and Climate Finance for Sustainable Development”.

Young professionals in charge of climate change, water management and green development in the ministries of agriculture, ecology, water resources and energy of Central Asia and representatives of green business and civil society in CAS participated in the CALP interactive sessions.

Thus, they discussed a number of REAP case studies implemented by the Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia (CAREC) under support of the European Union (EU) within SWITCH Asia Programme. This program highlights sustainable consumption and production in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). REAP is aimed specifically at the agri-food production and processing sector in Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. It aims to introduce resource-saving practices and technologies that lead to improved environmental quality and the fight against pollution.

Participants learnt about the best practices for introducing “green” technologies in the production and processing of agricultural products. For example, REAP project staff helped a small canning enterprise in the Khatlon region of Tajikistan understand that industrial waste can serve as a resource and be profitable. At the plant, the onion peels were thrown away after cleaning. After the intervention of the REAP project, onion peels began to be composted as an organic fertilizer for grapes. As a result, the need to purchase 100 kg of mineral fertilizers annually disappeared.

CALP is organized by the Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia (CAREC) in cooperation with the OSCE Programme Office in Astana, the World Bank, the Secretariat of the High-Level Dialogue Platform of the Swiss Blue Peace Central Asia Initiative and Coca-Cola.

Additional information: Valeria Orlova, Manager of the CAREC programme “Education for Sustainable Development”, vorlova@carececo.org

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