The Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia hereby announces a call for students’ proposals on implementing master’s research for the 2017-2018 academic year
The main objective of the competition – support scientific research associated with management of water, land and energy resources, as well as environment protection, in the Central Asian countries.
The competition is held in all Central Asian countries and Afghanistan, for universities with master’s programs on management of water, land and energy resources and their sustainable use. The competition enhances development of the masters’ practical research areas to ensure they are based on real problems of the research facilities and developed in close connection with managers of research facilities and potential users of the research results.
The competition for the 2017-2018 academic year is held under CAREC’s joint projects with USAID “Smart Waters”, WB “Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Program for the Aral Sea Basin” (CAMP4ASB), and GIZ “Strengthening Capacities of Regional, National and Local Level Institutions and Sustaining the Experiences Gained in the Previous Phases.”
For more results of the competitions and research carried out in 2014 and 2015, please visit
Competition Topics:
I) Water Resources, Water Services:
- Water management: IWRM, institutional measures, water management at the community level;
- Water law: international and national laws, policy development;
- Economic efficiency of water use;
- Current water conservation technologies in irrigation farming; automation of water accounting systems; alternative water supply sources for agriculture;
- Water management transboundary basins;
- Water supply for rural areas: provision with drinking water, etc.;
- Waterworks: operation and upgrade.
II) Climate Change:
- Climate modeling and climate risk assessment;
- Assessment of vulnerability of people and sectors to climate change;
- Adaptation to climate change in agriculture and water sector;
III) Ecosystem Services
IV) Economics of Nature Use
V) Opportunities of Multi-Sector Development:
- Interrelation between water, food and energy security;
- Gender and gender policy in management of natural resources.
All documents must be sent by not later than October 30, 2017 to the applicant’s CAREC country office, respectively:
Afghanistan –;
Kazakhstan –;
Kyrgyzstan –;
Tajikistan –;
Turkmenistan –;
Uzbekistan –
The name on the application letter must include a note that it is for the research application competition, and specify the type of the research and the applicant’s country:
An example of the letter name: “The student application competition for research. Uzbekistan”
Reference Contacts:
CAREC Water Initiatives Program, tel.: +7 (727) 265 4334 (ext. 191), e-mail:,
Zuura Mamadalieva, tel.: + 996 312 884519; email: