Dialogue in Tajikistan on national biodiversity strategies and action plans: CAREC’s participation

Publication date: 08 August 2024

Dushanbe, Tajikistan – From July 30 to August 1, 2024, Zamira Zholdaskyzy, Coordinator for the Development of the Community of Practice and Network of Academic Societies of the Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia (CAREC), participated in the Dialogue in Tajikistan on national biodiversity strategies and action plans. The event was also attended by representatives of Central Asian countries, Russia, Belarus, relevant UN organizations, local communities, stakeholder groups and public organizations.

During the dialogue, representatives of Central Asian countries shared national experiences and lessons learned in updating or revising national biodiversity strategies and action plans, including by setting or revising national targets in accordance with the goals and targets of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. The conclusions of the dialogue will contribute to the preparation by the Secretariat of relevant documents for forthcoming meetings of the Subsidiary Body on Implementation and the Conference of the Parties and the pilot open-ended forum for the voluntary country review.

Zamira Zholdaskyzy, speaking with the report, noted the establishment of CAREC as a regional hub for supporting the Biodiversity Conservation Plan in Central Asia this year. In addition, CAREC platforms that can promote and support biodiversity in the region were presented, namely the Central Asian Leadership Program, the Central Asian Climate Change Conference, the Network of Academic Societies, the Network of Ramsar Regional Initiative for CA, as well as online platforms the Central Asian Climate Information Platform and the Community of Practice platform on the «Water-Energy-Food» Nexus approach.

Learn more about the establishment of CAREC as a regional hub for supporting the Biodiversity Conservation Plan in Central Asia.


Additional information:

Ludmila Kiktenko, Environmental Management Programme’s Manager, CAREC, lkiktenko@carececo.org

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