Technology Needs Assessment for Adaptation in the Water and Agricultural Sector in Central Asia


Technology Needs Assessment for Adaptation in the Water and Agricultural Sector in Central Asia

This desktop study aims to outline technologies that address adaptation needs in water resource management and the agricultural sectors of the Central Asian countries and highlight the main institutional, technological and economic barriers for their promotion.

It may be an impossible task to compile in a comprehensive way all technologies in the agriculture and water sectors with potentials for climate change adaptation (Lybbert and Sumner 2010), instead this report describes technologies reflected in the proposed national measures. The determination of technology needs is therefore based on the review of the main adaptation measures in the water and agriculture sectors proposed by the Central Asian states in their national communications to UNFCCC. In fact, some of the measures in the national reports already define technologies needed for adapting water resources and agriculture to the most pressing climate change impacts. In the remaining cases, where respective needs are not explicitly defined, the study determines needed adaptation technologies by assessing the scope of a measure and outlining possible technology options for its implementation.

In the next step by tracking relevant pilot projects and study results that took place up to date in Central Asia and beyond, the report outlines main issues and barriers for adoption and upscale of technology on a mass scale.

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