The project was implemented on the basis of regulations on establishing instrument contributing for security and peace (ICSP) of the European Parliament and Council, which came into force as of 11 March 2014. Regulation establishes an ICSP Instrument which provides, for the period from 2014 to 2020, direct support for the Union's external policies by increasing the efficiency and coherence of the Union's actions in the areas of crisis response, conflict prevention, peace-building and crisis preparedness, and in addressing global and trans-regional threats. The intervention of the project will support security and peace in the region via improved interstate, transboundary water – energy cooperation. Moreover, improved technical and governance aspects of the water management, Central Asian countries will be better prepared to the natural disasters such as flooding, droughts and other consequences of climate change.
Overall objective: To stimulate transboundary trust and high-level, trans-national political involvement in the CA water nexus
Specific objectives:
Building national and regional networks around the water nexus through helping the countries to prepare for major water management events;
Promoting the tools contributing to better regional water management, such as remote sensing and modeling;
Supporting exchange of experience within Central Asia on topics related to water, land use and energy efficiency;
Providing capacity-building for target groups with focus on middle, operational level specialists.
Main activities:
Major water management events (preparatory process)
Promoting the tools contributing to better regional water management
Sharing of experiences on topics related to water, energy and land use (transboundary)
Information session on selected key issues related to water, energy and land use with a focus on operational level specialists (capacity-building)
Stronger cooperation platform on water nexus is provided
Technologies, tools and skills for data management, water- energy and land efficiencies are available for both practitioners, users and policy makers
National level “good practices” on water sector reforms are shared
Capacities of major stakeholders on water cooperation and communication improved
Project manager – Anna Inozemtseva
Tel: +7 727 265 43 33 (ext. 191)