The Asia Pacific Adaptation Network (APAN) is a regional program for managing and applying adaptation knowledge in the region, and supports governments and other organizations working on adaptation, with special emphases on the management of knowledge and capacity building. The mission of APAN is to build climate change resilient and sustainable human systems, ecosystems and economies through the mobilization of knowledge, enhanced institutional capacity and informed decision making‐processes, and facilitated access to finance and technologies. APAN operates through its regional hub located in Bangkok. Sub-regional activities of APAN are carried out by the sub-regional nodes and thematic nodes of APAN located in the five sub-regions of Central Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, Northeast Asia and the Pacific. CAREC is a sub- regional node of APAN in Central Asia.
Herewith CAREC synthesized national level information and providing regular updates to the Regional Hub and national implementing partners on the following subjects:
Adaptation actions and measures undertaken in CA states, their sectoral and geographical features, main donors;
Good adaptation practices, main issues and barriers impeding pursuance of enhanced ground-on adaptation initiatives in the countries on a larger scale;
Climate change impact and vulnerability projections in Central Asia;
Content, effectiveness and scope of the proposed and existing adaptation measures in the institutional, political and economic context of the region;
Specific recommendations on further policies, actions, and investments in adaptation to climate change in Central Asia.
Improve understanding and knowledge of adaptation to past, current and future climate conditions;
Enhance capacities to apply knowledge to assess technologies, access finance, and design and implement actions on adaptation; and
Strengthen the ability to integrate adaptation into development policies, strategies, and plans.
- The regional training-workshop «Evaluating climate change adaptation practices in Central Asia» (Almaty, July 2012)
- The sub-regional conference «Multisectoral dialogue on adaptation to climate change in Central Asia on the threshold of the 18th Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC» (Tashkent, November 2012)
- Sub-regional training-workshop «Adaptation to Climate Change through Climate Risk Reduction» (Dushanbe, July 2013)
- Sub-regional conference «Role of public- private partnership in adaptation practices agriculture, water and forest sectors» (Bishkek, November 2013)
- Sub-regional training-workshop «Removing barriers towards climate change adaptation in Central Asia» (Almaty, September 2014)
- Sub-regional conference (January 2015)
Development of knowledge products including reports and policy briefs:
- Report «Gap Analysis on adaptation to climate change in Central Asia» and subsequent flyers.
- Report «Good adaptation practices and current trends of donor activities in Central Asia» and subsequent flyers
- Technical report on technological gaps and needs in adaptation to climate change at sub-regional and national levels
- Contribution to synthesis report «Emergencies, Risks and Responses within the context of climate change adaptation»
Project manager – Ms. Nailya Mustaeva